red devil cichlid

  1. UKA710

    Need help with ID and gender.

    I have been told these guys are Midas. In reality though I bought them as Blood Parrots I knew they weren't Blood Parrots that's why I bought them. Could I get an ID on what they are? If possible the sex of bothe of them. Im pretty positive the white one is Male lol. I know they can be Midas...
  2. S

    Red Devil info

    I have a year old Red Devil & want to know when he will develop his hump? He's about 4inches right now. He was my first cichlid. I also have a 5 inch Bumblebee. My 1st time here... It was my #quarantineHobby now I'm hooked Thanks for the info. Stpeteed
  3. AquaHobbyist

    Red Devil gas

    No joke, my Red Devil, Foghorn, actually farts. They are silent, except for the bubbles, and I've never smelled one. I will add video here when I catch it.
  4. C

    Sexing My Red Devils

    Was hoping the smaller one is a female so I can maybe get a spawn in the future, I’m pretty sure the bigger one is a male (white and orange). Any advice will help, happy fish keeping guys.
  5. B

    Red Devil Breeding

    Helllloooo, I have two pretty large red devil cichlids, both vented, one male about 11 inches and one female about 9-10 inches. Both fish have been making caves and cleaning rocks and surfaces, but still have yet to lay eggs, I’m keeping them at 80 degrees and they have a 150 gallon tank to...
  6. P

    For Sale  Female red devil

    Female red devil keeps laying eggs after every water change. I do a 50% water change every week, so you can see the problem. I don't want money for this fish I just want her to go to a good home and possibly set up with a male. I also have a short video that I can't post on here but if...
  7. Edward nguyen

    Sexing red devil

    I’ve recently purchased this red devil and I’m guessing it’s a female tell me if I’m wrong
  8. Twonvito

    Creamsicle Red Devils

    I have learned to observe the behavior of cichlids to sex male and female. I am pleased to say I have picked up a male and female Red Devil. Two days ago who are now in mode.