Has anyone tried this substrate?
I’m setting up a 220 gallon Tanganyika biotope and my LFS is telling me that I should get 200 lbs of this substrate. It looks very different from most African cichlid setups I see on videos and so on, as it seems to be made up of small shells and pebbles rather...
I love blackwater fish tanks. I understand that blackwater tanks are low ph and aimed at south american cichlids. but my question is most fish that we keep are captive bred and not wild caught (at least in my country). Some are bred in my city, others are imported from Thailand /...
This was sold to me as Frontosa, but after doing some research I feel this could be five bar cichlid (Neolamprologus tretocephalus). Am I correct? Also, is five bar cichlid a variation of Frontosa or a different fish altogether?
While finishing the set up of my 125, I had a question on synodontis. Is keeping three or more a good idea? I have heard that this helps to dispel aggression. Also, what are some cool species?
This is my first thread on here. Always looked but never posted. So, I am doing exactly what the title says. I am moving a 30 gal rift tank into a 125 gal on the fact that a impulse buy gets big. I need some advice. I will start off with the 30 stocking.
-Maylandia lombardoi