
  1. I

    My flowerhorn get internal parasite and cloudyeys

    Dear sir I have very serious issues with my flowerhorn I rescued this fish from some one this fish is too much Sick and very low I give him only rock salt and Methenlin blue now my fish sit in bottom not responding anything please help me please 😭 I'm desperately seeking help for him I hope you...
  2. BanjoCatfish

    Do T5 bulbs ever leak mercury vapor?

    I've got some old T5 bulbs that have been in storage for possibly over 10 years, and some of them might not have ever been used. I want to use them now but am concerned that the seals keeping the mercury vapor inside might be compromised after such a long time. Any thoughts?
  3. U

    Is my stand no longuer good?

    Hello, I've bough a 70ish gal from some dude who didn't understand what he was doing. He drilled 2 holes at the top "frame" of the fishtank to pass some cables for the light. He didn't seal anything. The condensation leak inside the "frame" (because the hollow inside the frame was easily...
  4. N

    Safe to move? Help

    Is it safe to transfer a goldfish and pleco tank to tank (no buckets, bags, or drips), if test numbers are identical and temperature are within a single Degree of each other? Zero transfer of old water, fully cycled @4weeks api test kit used 2analog thermometers and Braun thermometer set to...
  5. Z

    Fire eel safety?

    Hi all, long time lurker first time Poster! I'm recently finishing building my 180g acryllic and 75 gallon sump, she's beautiful! As of now I will be stocking with a few clown loaches, some angel fish, a very passive frontosa, an Oscar, ornate bichir and of course a fire eel at only 10 inches...