sajica cichlid

  1. Hybridfish7

    Amatitlania color hybridizing

    I was just thinking, if you can't find a white sajica cichlid yourself, why not create one yourself? So, I got the idea of crossing a platinum HRP (to retain the blue and reds in the hybrid) and a sajica cichlid. The problem here however, is how the genes would cross over. I know the marbled...
  2. K

    Interactive wet pet & appropriate tank size

    Hi everyone, Long time lurker, Lots of wet pet questions out there but hopefully this one gives me all my answers. Sorry if the post gets long or if its in the wrong spot, feel free to move it mods :) There's a tl;dr at the bottom I'm planning on getting a larger interactive fish as a wet pet...
  3. LunarValkyrie

    Chocolate and Sajica???

    Does anyone keep these together? Could they be tankmates in a 120g? I have read they can go in a 75 also. I have a few Sajica and they are not agressive at all and I want to keep them. I have had a disaster thanks to my local water system and do NOT want to lose what I have left. I have always...
  4. Alexxxxsv14

    Feeding video

    Here's a video of them eating cichlid sticks, I got a little of everyone unfortunately my chocolate was too busy owning his driftwood cave area to come out but I will make a vid of just him tomorrow. My sajica is really getting some nice colors I love it. The Severums have some battle scars bc...
  5. Alexxxxsv14

    135g setup

    I will post progress here I still have to work on stand and make sure I have everything for my sump Never have I set up a pump so I will try my best
  6. Alexxxxsv14

    Sa/Ca Cichlids

    Here's a vid as of today Enjoy