What type of listing is this?:
What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?:
Ohio pickup - freshwater Tetraodon schoutedeni puffers.
What are your prices?:
Where are you located?:
North Royalton, Ohio
Pickup or Able to Ship?:
Small group of four (4) Tetraodon schoutedeni...
*** This list is a work in progress that requires some fine tuning and possible updating. So as updates are made the title will be updated with a new version number at the end.
Table of contents:
(click on the title to fast track to the required descriptions)
- Introduction to Puffers
Just an update on my gorgeous schoutedenis who after their near death experience with the fish delivery van are doing well.
One is growing more heavily than the other but both eating well. I'm ever hopefully I might get a female and male when they mature, either way they are apple of their...