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senegal bichir

  1. T

    Will an Orante be a problem when kept with a Senagal later down the line?

    Currently have a plat Senegal around 8-9cm (3 - 3.5 inches). Would it be a good idea to get an 8cm (3 inch) Ornate with it? I know that Ornates can be bullies and will outgrow the Senegal but I have seen Ornates cohabitate fine with other Bichers online. Is it just a matter of individual fish...
  2. P

    How Many Bichirs Could I Have?

    Currently, I have one P. Senegalus that is about a year old. He is the most amazing fish I've ever owned so of course it makes me want more! As of now I have him in a 55g long with a young Red-tailed Shark, a Common Pleco, and an African Cichlid that I bred myself in highschool. I know that this...
  3. M

    Spotted by my bichir, Ilomba

  4. T

    Senegal w/out movement control, labored breathing

    One of my bichirs started displaying lethargy about 2 weeks ago. I moved him to a qt tank, and it became clear that his back half wasn't moving correctly. He's a touch pinker around the head than usual, but no threading on fins. Other inhabitants in his tank (another Senegal and a leopard...
  5. H

    Grey patches

    Hi, my Senegal bichir has developed grey patches in the middle of his body down both sides. What's wrong with him?
  6. S

    My senegal bichir just jump from 2nd to 1st floor (13ft)

    So... my 7 inch senegal bichir just jump from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor of my house (13ft). I was trying to feed my bichir with a goldfish. after my senegal get the goldfish in its mouth, its just suddenly jump and slip through my house railing straight to the 1st floor. Then i rushed to...
  7. Egemen

    Fish updates !

    The polys growth has slowed down. They are healthy and active tho. The Spotted Raphael is a new member and never missed a feeding. Also found bunch of ropefish at the LFS for 10 dollars each. Sadly dont think my tank is big or understocked enough to support one or two... After the recent sad...
  8. MetalRavioli

    Disrupted stock

    Hello friends! So, as I’ve said in my 90-gallon tank thread, I’m currently in the process of cycling a 90 gallon tank. (It’s almost complete I believe) I planned on stocking this tank with a Senegal bichir, a Leopard ctenopoma, a bristlenose Plecostomus, and 5 keyhole cichlids. I ordered the...
  9. MetalRavioli

    New little guy!

    Hey everyone! I recently purchased my favorite species of fish, polypterus senegalus, or the Senegal Bichir! He will be the star of my 90-gallon tank I’m setting up, which will be a kingdom for him at first because he is very little! I’ve decided to name the little guy Arsenio, and I am already...
  10. B

    Lump/Knot/Bump on Bichir’s back/topside

    Hello all! I am new to MFK, so please excuse me if I post the wrong way or do something in the wrong manner, as I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to using this site. I created an account on here specifically for one single reason, and that is to hopefully find out what is wrong with...
  11. Egemen

    What is a good food for Bichir.

    I have been feeding my Senegals variety of things but at the back of my head there is always a fear of not giving them the nutrients they need. I feed them frozen market shrimp and pellets but I realized that there is no specific pellet food for Bichirs. Is it ok to just feed them...
  12. Egemen

    Changed the tank substrate to sand, loving this new look.

    After noticing some injuries under one of my Bichirs belly, decided to get sand substrate and some medicine. Looks good so far. Hope the wound heals tho.
  13. Egemen

    Senegal Bichir and African Butterfly

    So some of you know I made a thread about CB Albino Senegal tankmates in my 40 Breeder. Some people suggested African Butterflies but by that time (about a month ago) my Bichirs were too small and I was afraid they would get eaten. Well they have grown now, a significant amount too. I was...
  14. Egemen

    The poor quality growout thread begins !

    I just wanted to document my Albino Senegals growth and share it. Here are the first of many bad quality shots. This is Gojira, I will take the pic of my other guy/gal when he decides to cooperate.
  15. Egemen

    Weird behaviour on baby Senegals.

    So I am pretty new to keeping Bichirs so sorry if this is a stupid question. My baby Senegals have been acting weird lately. I keep seeing them swimming against the current of the filter and even breaching and jumping out of the water a couple of times. Now I have a lid so not worried about them...
  16. Egemen

    The bigger of my baby Senegals, I named him Gojira.

  17. Egemen

    About Leopard Bushfish

    So I made a post about Albino Senegal Bichirs few days ago. I was looking for tankmates for them in a 40B. Some people reccomended Mollies and African Butterfly Fish but today at the LFS a fish caught my attention. A Leopard Bushfish. Was going to ask about their care and if they could be kept...
  18. Egemen

    Tank mates for Senegal Bichir

    Well hello there, If some of you remember I made a post about my 40 Gallon Breeder and the Senegals inside it. There have been some fish tank mate suggestions, and I wanted to collect all of them under 1 thread. Here you can reccomend me fish that can live alongside a Senegal Bichir, without...
  19. Egemen

    About Senegal Bichirs

    First of all, I am new to this forum so hello and nice to meet you. English is not my main language and I am rather young (18) so If I make any mistakes in pronunciations please forgive me. Senegal Bichirs were my dream fish, decided to get a custom made tank for them that is 40 gallons 2 years...
  20. Y

    Good sources for live food

    I’ve been feeding crickets, earth worms, minnows, tilapia, shrimp cutlets, blood worms, brine shrimp and probably something I’m forgetting like 3 times a week other than that they eat hikari sinking carnivore pellets(they absolutely love these things). I was wondering about any other foods y’all...