Macrobrachium gracilirostris is a Taiwanese species of giant freshwater prawn. Not sure how big they get, just wanted you guys to check it out. Very interesting colors. I know Wes got them in once or twice, but that's because they're aquatic animals that live in freshwater, and Wes is Wes. Not...
So I bought about 10 feeder ghost shrimp to see if they would get eaten but they haven’t even been touched lol I think they’re too quick for the bichirs also One of the ghost shrimp is pregnant hahaha idk what to do! Are ghost shrimp bad for bichirs or does it affect baby bichirs in ANY way or...
Just started a shrimp tank! I built a shelf out of poplar to support the weight of this rimless 6gal, and its sitting on the outer rim up on legs so i can still open the glass lids and have the LED bar underneath for the lower tank undisturbed. i have some live plants and shrimps coming...
Large Scale Shrimp Breeding Project, includes filters/ tanks/ plants ect. LOCAL PICKUP Make an offer!
Shrimp Types:
Tangerine Tiger *Caridina
Crystal Red *Caridina
Bluebolt *Caridina
Yellow King Kong *Caridina
Tangerine hybrids (Tang Thai) *Caridina
Super Red Santa Hat *Caridina
Yellow King...
I’ve got a breeding colony of these very cool long arm shrimp and am looking to thin down the group a bit. They grow to around 3” and the dominant males have claws almost as long as their bodies. They also have tons of personality - way more interactive and outgoing than the more common...
Hi Everybody! I was wondering if anybody knew of a fish store that sells bamboo shrimp in northeast of the US, preferably in or near MA. I really would rather not buy online, but if you guys have suggestions for online stores that would be helpful too. Thanks.
Price to sell!! Need him gone ASAP!! I have a large 15" Jardini Arowana for sale. This Aro is strong, healthy, and king of the tank. Beautiful color all over, from head to tail. Feeding shrimp, tilapia, mealworms, and superworms. I need to downsize my stock to smaller fish.
Please txt me...
For some reason in September I decided to set up a high-tech 5g Crystal Red S tank. I guess I forgot how hard it is to maintain a nano tank.
Anyways, I have been struggling with this tank since then. There were some bumps in the road but now it is nice and stable. However, some of the plants...
- 4 Wild Caught Young PANDA UARU $150 each
- 6 Wild Caught Medium RIO NANNAY DISCUS $100 each
- 1 Wild Caught Medium L048 BLACK SUNSHINE PLECO $125
- 1 Wild Caught Small L007 VAMPIRE CF. GALAXIAS $75
- 2 Wild Caught Medium VAMPIRE SHRIMP $20 each
emptying tank to start breeding
Working on a new planted tank, my previous supplier moved further than I want to drive (my zip 91411)
Need 20-30 of either breed mixed sex
Let me know the price/pictures thanks!
Going to be doing a cherry shrimp only planted biotope style setup with one of my 10 gallon tanks I have laying around. Advice on good low tech plants ? want to have it heavily planted. Also if anyone has good filtration ideas for this style setup let me know I have a plan but open to other...
Hello everyone,
Recently I noticed that one of my cleaner shrimp was pregnant, is there any way for me to keep the eggs and raise cleaner shrimp? Or are the eggs better left as food for the tank?
Yesterday I went to a shrimp breeding I am looking at working with next year.
He said I could take some pics and here they are. The pics are not the best as the space was not great for camera work. More functional.
He had a bout 140 tanks set up and is looking at expanding next year.
i bought a p. dolloi last year and its weird how i feed it.
its still alive, and healthy its not eating as much as i would want, seeing its a little one and i want to avoid stunting it.
its around 15 inches now, and ive only ever seen him eat once or twice. i think he only ever does it when...
Can i have my 5 clown loaches with any kind of shrimp (i would like names of the shrimp that i could have) (1 of the Clowns is 5-6" and 4 clowns are 1")
So at a CCA meeting in november, I got 10 small cherry shrimp from an auction.
not the best color, but they were fun to watch as they swam around and ate algae.
The tank was mature, I had a fish in it before. I also made sure the water was in good condition for the shrimp beforehand.
My water is...
I currently have a nano tank and desperately need another pleco. Right now I have a L162, but all it does is hide and only comes out during water changes since I clean his hiding spot. Also in that tank are various shrimp(cross breeding), cpos(the aquarium I got my pair from were raised in a...