
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. J

    Help Please 12 inch oscar not eating

    I have two oscars ones my original Oscar and the one that isn’t eating i rescued about a month ago. He refuses to eat anything i have tried tetra jumbomin floating sticks which is what the previous owner gave i have tried hikari cichlid gold floating and sinking i have tried blood worms i have...
  2. L

    Help! MBU puffer sick

    Hello all, I am worried I actually poisoned my precious MBU puffer. Quick stats: 400 gallon tank plus sump Daily 10% water changes with a large water change every weekend Water parameters are pristine and tested regularly. My MBU puffer is 12 months old and approximately 16" in length. It...
  3. B

    Help me save my tank OG. Sick rainbow shark!

    tank details: I have a 65 gallon tank. Ph 7.0, ammonia and nitrates 0. 2 balla sharks (4-5in long) (1 year old) 2 rainbow sharks (2 years, 8 months) 2 cherry barbs (4 months) 2 angel fish (1 year old) 1 panda cory (2 years) 1 pleco (2 years) filter- 110gal with biome and carbon Tank was...
  4. J

    fish swimming/acting irregularly

    i have a couple barramundi with some tarpon and other fish, 1 barra is swimming head up with they’re mouth open and the other is swimming in an almost snake like pattern the barramundi are the only fish in the tank out of 5 different species that are acting up what can i do to help them get better?
  5. A

    Sick betta, anchor worm management

    Hello! Recently my betta (Monet) has been lethargic, hanging out at the bottom, propping herself up on gravel, not interested in doing much of anything. She'll eat at food when it's near her, but will hardly bother to come to the top for it. I've checked her over and she's breathing slowly, in a...
  6. M

    Red Borneo Giant Gourami with a wound

    Hello! I have had the Red Borneo GG for about 5 months now, around 2 weeks ago these 2 wounds popped up out of the blue and have only seemingly eroded further even with meds and good quality water (<20 ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 7.4-7.6 PH, low to moderate hardness). Weekly water...
  7. The Masked Shadow

    Senegal Bichir Broken Back?

    Hi, I haven’t been posting in quite a while, but I have a Senegal Bichir in a 90g tank with a couple other bichirs. I found him at the surface looking like this. This is very recent, happened in the last 24 hours. Is there anything I can do? Do I have to euthanise?
  8. H

    Sick Red Wolf Fish

    Hi guys. This is my first post so I apologize if Im posting in the wrong thread. About a month ago, my red wolf fish came down with a sickness. Before this he was extremely active. Looks like it was either ich or epistylis (photos of the spots is attached). He isn't new to me and I fed him...
  9. tlindsey

    SICK FISH atypical columnaris?

    @kno4te @duanes
  10. N

    Swim bladder flotation device

    Anyone made one before? Was it successful? How is the fish now? Any tips? Our little guy, (Black Moor named Chadwick) developed an unknown illness in December, laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. We did a series of antibiotics and he’s improved to the point we actually think he’s...
  11. neko1

    bichir sick?

    Hello my senegal is in a hunger strike for already a week. He does look fat and i see a red spot on his belly. Could it be septicemia / blood poisoning? I feed tilapia, hikari and sometimes meelworms and crickets. He appears to be more at the surface of the tank. Sometimes even laying half on...
  12. L

    Brackish frogfish help

    So my brackish water frogfish has developed a weird lump under his mouth (throat area) a week or so ago and I was think it’s a goiter, though I’m not sure. Thankfully it doesn’t seem stressed, though I’m a bit worried. I will admit its diet hasn’t been great as I haven’t been able to stop and...
  13. neko1

    HELP small delhezi with red spots on stomach?

    What is this? I have had him for 2/3 years, water seems fine. I got sand so he isnt hurting him self on stones or anything. Is it parasites?? and what can i do? pls help, thanks in advance
  14. Isaiah75

    Oscar not eat and Losing scales

    My Albino Oscar stopped eating a couple days ago and is now losing scales. I need help identifying the issue so I can save him. He’s been sitting in the bottom with semi labored breathing. I did a large water change (~75%) two days ago. I typically do a 50-60% weekly. I had just checked the...
  15. H

    Help. flowerhorn hexamite infection x 2 months

    Its been 2 months my flowerhorn have not eaten and been pooping white. What have i done to treat the infection: - moved him to a small, 1 feet quarantine tank. - Stopped feeding him altogether - Metronidazole tablets( 200mg once a day) x 5 days with Daily water changes - I did epsom salt...
  16. S

    General cure API medicine questions

    Hey, my flowerhorn has been extremely boated and hasn't pooped in over a week. The other fish in there has white stringy poop so I thought he had parasites and maybe transfered it to my flowerhorn. I tried a salt soak and nothing happened. My flowerhorn is swimming and eating fine, just no poop...
  17. E

    Are these oscars sick?

    I have no idea what happened to them. It’s only gotten worse too. Yesterday I saw one Oscar with what looked to be an eye injury, thought they got in a fight and I was upset but brushed it off. Now I come home this morning after work and see this. He’s gotten worse and it looks like the other...
  18. Fishpony

    Sick Flowerhorn

    Hello Everyone. I have a flower horn that stopped accepting pellets and has a sunken belly. I had recently moved my 7" flower horn to a 29 tank, and after the tank move, he seemed quite normal. I understand that the tank is small for him, I'll deal with that in the future once he's back to...
  19. N

    Pleco poisoned by ichX treatment??

    Pleco sick from treatment??? 125gallon freshwater, partially planted, river rock substrate (sparsely covered) currently: (see below for prev details) I THINK the plan is to get a new carbon filter since the water changes seem to upset him and use that to clear the water giving a few days for...
  20. K

    EBAs suddenly very unwell- everything else in tank OK

    Hello, I have two 3 inch EBAs whose health has plummeted in the past two days. All other fish appear normal. 75 gallon tank, sand substrate, 78 degrees. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate and ph 7.8. 2x EBA, 1 heckelii, 1 severum, 1 BGK, 7 Congo tetras, 1 jewel cichlid. All are juveniles except...