sick fish

  1. B

    Jack Dempsey with pop eye, will he get my loaches sick?

    Hi all, I just noticed today after I got home from work my jack Dempsey I have had a little over a year has major pop eye. (didn't have last night and is only in 1 eye at the moment) I am concerned because he is in my main tank with my shoal of 47 clown loaches and I absolutely can not lose any...
  2. B

    Severum Help

    I purchased two baby red shoulder severums at the same time/place about 4 months ago. One of them was bullying the other one so after a few days of getting them I removed the bully into my peaceful 75 gallon planted tank until I could get him his own home. The severum that was the bullied one...
  3. N

    Diet -mixed tank??

    Not sure if this is the right place for questions on diet/feeding while sick but I’m worried about the health of our fish, one of whom is now SICK w/Ich and Im reinspired to fight again for them. I really want to make sure he’s (and all of them) are getting the best care and we’ve had an...
  4. N

    Comparing products: ich-X, microbeLift, fritz copper safe

    First off thanks to everyone here! We have learned so much in the past 3 years being members! NEED TO COMPARE: Ich-X (can order would arrive feb 14) microbeLift (can order would arrive feb 14-16 fritz copper safe (have) full details and questions: looks like Goldie has ich his buddy the 15”...
  5. Jakec96

    Ram cichlids with ich

    Hi all! I have a 30 gallon tank with a pair of German Blue Rams, 25 (ish) Neon Tetras, and 1 Powder Blue Gourami. For filtration I'm using 2 AC 50s and 1 AC 30. Heating with the new version of Aqueon pro set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank is newly setup maybe a few weeks but is completely...
  6. Jacob6556

    Goldfish in need of help!!

    So I just bought a used fish tank from a friend and the fish tank was completely gross, I’d say hadn’t been cleaned in a year or more, the back wall was solid algae. So anyway the tank came with a 8 inch goldfish in it, and anyway the goldfish has many problems now that it’s a new tank. I have...
  7. Jakec96

    Treatment for internal parasites.

    Hi, I have a 12 inch Rivulatus in a 90 gallon tank with 2 plecos. The tank is being filtered by 2 Aquaclear 110s. I'm using a 250 watt aqueon pro heater set to about 78° Fahrenheit. Lots of big water changes and I'm currantly feeding (or at least trying to feed) Fluval bug bites pleco and...
  8. S

    Tank Mates for Gibbiceps?

    Tank Mates Question. Ready to upgrade and want to know what may be best to add. Currently: I have a 40 gal/ the upgrade likely to 90 gal. Gibbiceps is 5 or 6 years old. He is in a freshwater tank and is almost 14 inches long. Artificial plants. As of 2 days ago, I have two more fish- I was...
  9. Zak03

    I got ICH

    Alright guys. So just several minutes ago, i noticed that my two small (2-3") oscars (red and tiger) have white spots on their fins. I researched it out how to diagnose ich, and realized that 1. they have been spending more time near the bottom of the tank, 2. the tiger's appetite is almost...
  10. H

    rescued a large severum today! Tell me what you think!

    So i picked this green severum up at a lfs for 20 bucks he's looking ROUGH! They told me a couple from Columbus dropped him off for store credit, so the excuse of why he so rough looking is because of the 2-hour Drive in a bucket, and I beleave the poor water quality of course at its original...
  11. G

    my stingray is acting strange

    hi guys. would like to ask your help and opinion regarding my stingray. It has been acting funny and strange for about a month now. I have attached a video of the stingray. It looks like he is having a hard time controlling his disc and is flapping wildly. he seems to not able to control his...
  12. K

    Sick Black Spotted Spiny Eel

    Hey everyone, new to this website. I have a black spotted freshwater eel that has been much less active lately. I believe he is sick or injured, but I’m not sure which one nor which disease. He has one large white patch near his tail. He is approximately 8 inches long and about 10 months old. He...
  13. L

    Blood Parrots- PoP eye & Not eating at all - Help please

    Hello, post looking at the information available on this forum, i am fairly confident and feeling lucky that valuable advise would be given for my fish problem/s. I looked at the list of Treatments and is such a valuable information for the people with the hobby. Coming to the tank details and...
  14. G

    New Jag pair

    Hi I recently purchased a new pair of Jaguar cichlids, the female look great and strong, even laid eggs in the lfs. The male seems thin and slightly tilts to one side when swimming. They are both eating well, so far some mysis shrimp and some talapia chunk's and some raw shrimp. They are alone...
  15. Jakec96

    HELP!! my jewel hasn't eaten for a month!!!

    This is my 3rd time posting on this forum about my jewel and I really didn't get any help on this issue. My jewel cichlid hasn't eatin for a month and I really don't know what to do I tried an Epsom salt bath twice and nothing changed hes getting very skinny. The water perameters are perfect and...
  16. K

    Sick fish (Hog choker - Trinectes maculatus)

    Hello, I'm new to the forum and am hoping for some advice. (Sorry for the long rambling post and sorry if I couldn't find a relevant earlier post that addresses this . . .) 1 week ago (Thursday, 3/16)) I received 3 hog chokers ("freshwater flounders" or soles). The SG they were shipped in was...
  17. D

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid is inactive

    Hello Everyone, meet blueberry. ... As you can see, he's active and interactive in this video. He always comes up to the glass, and bites my fingers if I put them in the tank. When I do water changes, he watches me closely to make sure I'm not "messing with his stuff." Recently, he's been...
  18. xDestro

    Sick fish or just bacteria?

    I noticed this white clear cloudish stuff on my driftwood only today and wasn't sure wat it is? I'M not gonna lie I have been over feeding a bit in order to have my roseline sharks eat a bit since the 15 platies demolish everything (they'll be gone in a week or 2) I'm gonna do a water change...
  19. S

    What has happened to my frontosa.Pls help

    From last one week my fronyosa stopped eating and was somewhat when i saw him he acted wierdly and when i observed closely i saw something like white wool growing out of his hump and his right eye seemed little poped. I immidiately quarentined him to a separate tank and applied anti...
  20. MikeGuerra


    2-3 weeks ago I put good fish in my tank to see how the water is in my 125 just set it up about a month ago. They did great so I got a silver aro a Florida gar and a CK but the past few days all the gold fish got cloudy eyes and a white film on parts of there body and also looks like some fin...