• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

sick oscar

  1. D

    Baby Oscar fin rot?

    Just picked up two Oscar’s yesterday and this one was so sad looking that I felt like he needed to be rescued. I am thinking he has fin rot and possibly some sort of fungal infection? What’s the best treatment? I dosed Melafix today but I want to make sure I go with the most effective method...
  2. J

    Help! Oscar not moving or eating

    So about 4 days ago my Oscar seemed to be getting spooked and darting across the tank randomly, which turned into hiding the next two days. (He’s the only one in there) I thought it was the shadows on the wall scaring him but he was fine with them for the past two months he’s been in there. (He...
  3. J

    Sick oscar fish!! Please help

    For a couple days my Oscar has been a little lazy, laying on the bottom a bit more than usual but I didn’t think much of it. Today I noticed his anal area is enlarged and he has buoyancy problems and won’t eat. My water parameters are perfect, water temp is 80f. Somebody please help with treatment
  4. K

    Does he look healthy?

    He wasn’t eating for a couple days (he’s eating fine now ) but has a couple scratches. Before I go into sick fish mode I want a second opinion. How does he look?
  5. R

    Sick oscar

    I have a albino tiger oscar and it is gasping for air and wont eat. Water conditions are perfect ph 7.4 ammo 0 nitrate 0 i do wc twice a week 50% there is no marks on his body no marks on his gills and hes not bloated its been only a few days but his behavior changed over night to complete...
  6. James.Lafontaine

    what are these??

    I have some white spots on my fish and i cant tell if its ick or not. plz help
  7. Zak03

    I got ICH

    Alright guys. So just several minutes ago, i noticed that my two small (2-3") oscars (red and tiger) have white spots on their fins. I researched it out how to diagnose ich, and realized that 1. they have been spending more time near the bottom of the tank, 2. the tiger's appetite is almost...
  8. M

    Oscar HELP! Need advice!

    We have a 1 year old Oscar about 6" big. He/she has been a very healthy fish. We recently changed the tank to 100 gallon tank and only 13 fish inside. 2 Oscars (this one is the biggest and main fish) Cichlids, Plecos, Green Terror, Jack Dempsey. These fish have all been together since day 1...
  9. B

    Oscar parasites or constipation?

    I recently got an Oscar at a box pet store and from the day I brought him home his uhhh fishy butt has been swollen and he has white poop, not stringy. He’s in a 20g quarantine tank, daily water changes ammonia & nitrites are 0 and nitrate is pretty dang close to 0 with the daily changes. I’m...