• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Zmouvek

    Back from Vacation, Snail Explosion, what is the counterplay?

    Went on a 2 Week Vacation to Ponce, and I come back only to see a huge amount of snails, everywhere. My setup is a 40G breeder with a P. Polli if it matters. I need some sort of permanent solution. I used to just keep them in check by taking them out of the tank whenever I saw them and...
  2. F

    Want to Buy Big Mystery Snail / Apple snail

    Hello I’m looking to buy some freshwater snails but big ones. I wasn’t sure if anyone on here was breeding any or know any LFS with some. I’ve got glass 20 gallon long tanks, 40 gallon breeders and some 10 gallons for trade.
  3. xenacanth9

    xenacanth9's Invert Profiles

    Giving it a shot. This is an extension of my fish of the day thread. Plan on posting a profile each Thursday.
  4. A

    Snails dying

    I'm looking for some help with a mystery. Snails of multiple species are unable to survive in my tank. These include mystery snails, rams horn, and trumpet. I have placed snails in jars with aquarium water and they happily scoot around laying eggs in the jar, but once they are introduced to the...
  5. _bsafarijoe

    Help With New Cichlid Tank

    Five days ago I took my previously unused but full of water and bio medium 55 gallon fish tank and did a whole rehaul on it. I left in the original substrate and bio medium after cleaning out the filter and I set it up for African cichlids, I have not added any fish to it yet but I was wondering...
  6. rayoddballfish

    HELP!! All my mystery snails are above the water line?

    So I just found this rn. All the snails are at the water surface. Please help! The only thing I did different is did a 30 percent water change 2 days ago and today dosed a little more flourish excel than I usually do (1.5 times)
  7. Mr geophagus

    How can I get more calcium in my freshwater planted tank for my snails?

    Hi. Recently I’ve noticed that the snails in my 10 gallon planted tank haven’t had the best looking shells. How can I add calcium?
  8. Jacob._.merc

    Mystery snail help

    Ive had this mystery snail for about a month or so and over the time his shell has been turning white and has green streaks on it. I have some big fish with him and i dont know if its them just knocking them around. His shell is like thinner in some areas, almost transparent.
  9. Narwhal

    Burrowing Snails

    I am curious about all the different burrowing snails out there. I know MTS is very common, but often is labeled as a pest, but it seems like it doesn't have many downsides, are their any besides lots of snails? like do they head delicate plants or damage roots. They look kind of pretty in many...
  10. cichlidsickness

    How to Rid Aquarium Worms?

    Hello all, I've recently discovered that Ive got some sort of worm thriving in my aquarium gravel. I don't think they are harmful to the fish but I dont want them in my tank cause I think its been turning some of the fish into picky eaters. I started noticing them a couple months back and to...
  11. The Dave

    A very beautiful video of the underappreciated pink Ramshorn snail

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  12. The Dave

    The Ramshorn Snail Friend Or Foe

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  13. C

    A bristle nose, guppies, and snails

    I have a 30gal tank that I'm breeding some guppies in (for Oscar food) and am temporarily housing a bristle nose pleco in. I have a general back of the tank filter and do at least one water change a week, but I'm getting overrun with snails. Mainly because I over feed a little (flakes and...
  14. F

    Dwarf puffer with snails?

    I recently bought a dwarf puffer for my 18.5 gallon tank, but the tank has 3 rabbit snails, a mystery snail and 3/4 assassin snails, would the dwarf puffer do fine with them? I heard dwarf puffers only eat tiny snails. Please help, Thanks!
  15. Kangadrew

    Figure 8 Puffer Question

    My figure 8 puffer is about 1.5 inches long. In the week I've had him, i ve never seen him eat a snail I placed a bunch of little pond snails in the tank, but it turns out a good amount were just shells. So, I haven't seen any snails in the tank, so I may be mistaken. I've seen him try and bite...