• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Benthebassmaster

    What is the best fish or snail to breed for profit

    I saw a video saying someone got 1000 dollars in one month by breeding mystery snails. Do you think they are the best to breed for profit
  2. Desert Bus

    For Sale 3 2-2.5" Choptick Snails (Stenomelania torulosa)

    I have 3 2-2.5" Choptick Snails (Stenomelania torulosa) for sale. They are excellent substrate sifters, scavengers, etc. They mostly come out at night. They don't eat plants. Females produce about 1 baby a year. This group has at least one male and one female, as I've spotted a baby before. I'm...
  3. G

    Dying mystery snails

    I was hoping that someone could help me out with my mystery snails. I ordered them in the mail about a month ago and they were doing great until recently. They aren’t opening up like they normally would and it’s concerning me. I tested the water and it was a little hard and the Ph was a little...
  4. Zak03

    Concerned about mystery snail

    Hi guys, I recently (about 2 weeks ago) bought some more blue mystery snails to put into my planted 20 gallon tank. A few days ago, I noticed that one of the snails had these spots (photo provided) on the back of the shell. At first thought I believed them to be eggs, but after doing some...
  5. K

    Assassin snails in a canister filter

    Was wondering if it would be "kosher" to put assassin snails in a canister filter. I have a spotted congo with a uppity attitude. If I throw in a few snails for him and he deems them to small, he won't eat them. Now I have 2 canister filters littered with ramshorns, bladder snails and more...
  6. A

    Happy Veterans Day - Awesome Corals & More at Huge Savings - Let Us Never Forget!

    Happy Veterans Day - Awesome Corals & More at Huge Savings - Let Us Never Forget! AquariumDepot.com is celebrating Veterans Day today with a HUGE sale on the Entire Site! Let us Never Forget! The site is filled with a huge variety of inverts like turbo snails and crabs - from things you need...
  7. Jacob._.merc

    Mystery snail help

    Ive had this mystery snail for about a month or so and over the time his shell has been turning white and has green streaks on it. I have some big fish with him and i dont know if its them just knocking them around. His shell is like thinner in some areas, almost transparent.
  8. Hybridfish7


    I recently got some new plants for my tanks, and they had some hitchhikers. Now my platy tank is flooded with pond snails, and my guppy tank has some too. platy tank has small brown round ones, and the guppy tank has slightly bigger ones with white feet. you know what i mean when i say feet on...
  9. H

    p. dolloi is a finicky eater

    i bought a p. dolloi last year and its weird how i feed it. its still alive, and healthy its not eating as much as i would want, seeing its a little one and i want to avoid stunting it. its around 15 inches now, and ive only ever seen him eat once or twice. i think he only ever does it when...
  10. rucus

    What are these growths

    I just set up a new 40b over the weekend. Everything is new, tank, canister, glass canopy, cichlid substrate, ect. Only thing I bought used were little caves I found in a dry goods box at LFS for cheap. Also bought 2 live plants. Tanks running 3 days and I see these tiny little things growing on...
  11. Narwhal

    Burrowing Snails

    I am curious about all the different burrowing snails out there. I know MTS is very common, but often is labeled as a pest, but it seems like it doesn't have many downsides, are their any besides lots of snails? like do they head delicate plants or damage roots. They look kind of pretty in many...
  12. A

    Cannibal Mystery Snails

    I have a betta sorority, and had purchased 2 snails for the tank. 20gal, 3 girls (my fourth was an older betta, and passed a few weeks ago.) The girls were picking on a particular snail, and I moved it to another tank. I prefer purchasing baby bettas, due to the fact that I get to watch them...
  13. cichlidsickness

    How to Rid Aquarium Worms?

    Hello all, I've recently discovered that Ive got some sort of worm thriving in my aquarium gravel. I don't think they are harmful to the fish but I dont want them in my tank cause I think its been turning some of the fish into picky eaters. I started noticing them a couple months back and to...
  14. Ankit Naidu

    What are these small protruding things on the snails back!?

    guys can u please tell me what these small things are on the back of the turban snail is it a parasite or any type of coral!?
  15. H

    New here

    Hi! My names Hayley and I'm new here! This is the first forum I have joined so I'm pretty excited to post and ask lots of questions! A little about me: I currently have 3 tanks set up! From biggest to smallest, 55 gallon with 2 Blood parrots,1 Electric Blue Acara, 1 Firemouth cichlid, and 1 yoyo...
  16. The Dave

    A very beautiful video of the underappreciated pink Ramshorn snail

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  17. The Dave

    The Ramshorn Snail Friend Or Foe

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  18. Deadliestviper7

    Land snails fun discussion

    This thread is about land snails,slugs and any other creepy.crawling thing u feel like discussing.
  19. T

    Snails for a mudskipper tank?

    As I'm upgrading my mudskipper tank, I feel like I could add a snail or two. I personally would like a "terrestrial snail", and a aquatic snail. Although I'm scared if it would cause any damage to the mudskipper or the proposed snails themselves. I'm looking for a nerite snail for the...