south american cichlid

  1. C

    For Sale  Krobia Xinguensis

    I specialty breed Krobia Xinguensis aka Krobia Red Cheek. They are peaceful South American dwarf cichlids that do well in a planted community tank as long as they have ample hiding spots at the substrate level. This species is difficult to determine sex, even as adults (generally go by size and...
  2. O

    Gymnogeophagus Balzanii

    Hi, I have the opportunity to purchase some Balzanii but want to make sure that I am 100% certain on their care before I make the purchase. I have a group of very young geo tapajos and I know that they prefer higher temps. I have heard that an artificial winter of 15-18 degrees is best for...
  3. MetalRavioli

    New food now that fish have grown?

    Heyo MFK! I purchased my 6 keyhole cichlids and leopard ctenopoma when they were very little. Since then, I've been feeding them bug bites and an occasional carnivore pellet for the ctenopoma. However, both the ctenopoma and most of the cichlids are quite larger now, and I'd like to get them on...
  4. D

    Green terror with Fungal Infection

    So about 2 weeks ago I noticed my green terror was growing a cotton like fungus and after doing a little research/asking around I decided to treat her with salt. I took her out of her community tank and put her in isolation. Started off treating the tank with 1tbsp of salt per 3 gallons of...
  5. S

    Active freshwater predator fish for a 75 gal?

    Hello all, does anybody have some good cool very active fish that would be fine living in a 75 gal? Any help would be appreciated.
  6. F

    For Sale  L155 Adonis Pleco 7 inch

    Hello Monsterkeepers, time to let my Adonis go. He's bullying the other plecos now. He's beautiful and healthy specimen. Only way to picture was to catch him out of the tank. Note pickup only, in Lake Forest, Ca
  7. J

    Spiny Eel suggestions with Oscar?

    I have a 75 gallon South American tank. It’s stocked with a tiger Oscar, 2XL electric blue acara, a chocolate cichlid and a bristle nose. The tanks is over filtered to 750 gallons per hour (Marineland 375 HOB and Marineland 360 canister) to keep the bio load in check. I wanted to add an “odd”...