
  1. B

    Jumping gar

    Hi all, I have a 300 gallon stock tank that is home to my 2 spotted gar, and 1 iridescent shark. in the last month I have had the smaller of 2 gar jump out 2 times. luckily I have been home and able to get him back in right away, but im wondering what might be the issue. He is eating, and...
  2. LCT8

    how to ID baby Spotted Gar and Temensis Peacock bass?

    Hi so a year ago I bought a small peacock bass and it had a lot of spots on it so i thought it was a temensis, 1 year later it turned out to be an azul so how do I ID a baby one? For spotted gars, how do I id them when they are a baby vs other species all I know is that alligator gars and...
  3. F

    PLEASE HELP : My spotted gar has turned white

    Recently as my dad was helping me to clean the tank. My gar suddenly jumped out. He was okay once we put him bac in. And even ate a fish. But a day or two later he suddenly started turning white. Its not pale. Its white. Only his head, underbelly and tail were okay. We kept changing the water...