st tiger

  1. O

    ST Datnoid with Geophagus/Eartheaters?

    Hi, I am new here. I am currently growing out 4 geophagus tapajós and two Satanoperca Jurupari for a 6ft (550L) aquarium and recently acquired a 2-3” ST. Could these species live together in the 6ft until the datnoid outgrew it ? I currently have them housed all separately in smaller grow outs...
  2. N

    How much are datnoids worth?

    I’ve heard that indo datnoid numbers in the wild are rapidly declining causing the value of high quality specimens to increase. How much are high quality 3 bars and ST worth now in the US? Thanks - Nick
  3. F

    5-15-16 Complete stock list.

    Hello everyone, below is the list of what just came in in the past 1-2 week that you guys might be interested, you could always send in request of the fish you want me to bring in :-) I have to apologize for not being active on the forum. Best way is to communicate thru Facebook message and make...