stingray black diamond

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. W

    Want to Buy Iso Male Breeder Rays

    Hello, I recently came across the opportunity to purchase some larger black diamond females; however, I just sold my last breeder male. So I’m currently in the market for a male breeder, I’m willing to travel within a few hours.
  2. B

    For Sale Leopoldi stingray 16-17" male

    Got this beautiful male for sale, he's a very aggressive breeder and is proven but I just have 1 female ray in the tank and can't keep separating them.
  3. B

    For Sale Female BD Stringray

    Female BD about 13” looking to rehome so I can downsize a little. Eats pellets, shrimp, and tilapia. Pickup only in Avon, IN (near Indianapolis). Asking price is negotiable.
  4. B

    For Sale Freshwater stingray

    I have a high grade swc male. Super healthy eats whatever you give. $1850 Call or text anytime 734-890-2619
  5. B

    Stingray newbie- advise needed

    I got her last month from a well known fish store in the country. She seems to between 6-7inch. I was told that she is SWC which I’m given to understand is a hybrid black diamond. I believe her breeder is in Thailand. She has been active from the day I got her. She is very responsive and wants...
  6. S

    Stingray suddenly stopped eating

    Hi all, before I go diving into the problem I wanted to give some reference to what might have cause it her to stop eating. Yesterday I woke up and found one of my Florida Gar Jumped out of his tank, he was dry when I found him but was still alive, so I rushed and put him into the Stingray tank...
  7. G

    Albino Blackdiamond for sale

    For your consideration: Selling Female Albino Blackdiamond Price: 5000 USD, always negotiable Size: 10.5 inches Location: Singapore ?? Shipping: local. For international buyers, please hire a legitimate transhipper. Any questions feel free to inquire ?
  8. N

    For Sale Leopoldi Stingray for sale

    Leopoldi Stingray for sale . She is in great health and feeds well. Contact me for all details you may need to have her.
  9. Super BD Stingray

    Vendor 2022 Easter sale!

    happy early Easter for everyone Easter deal ending 04-18-22 more rays coming soon
  10. S

    Bd stingray has slime coming from his rear end, will not eat, and started twitching.

    Hello I really need some help figuring out what is going on with my stingray before it is to late. 5 days ago I did my regular once a week 50% wc. After the water change he did not eat. I was not to concerned until the next morning when I noticed to me looked like he was losing his slime coat...
  11. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale 2 males black diamonds

    650 each Low stock right now both male on sale Getting ready for next shipment 3142233574 Wei
  12. A

    Tank size for the leopoldi black diamond stingray?

    Hello everyone, i was just wondering what is the perfect and minimum sized aquarium for a Leopoldi? And what about a leo X moto? I hope everyone is keeping well!
  13. jsodwi

    For Sale Male pure BD

    8-10” eats massivore shrimp tilapia silversides pick up in north jersey
  14. L

    Substrate help! Sunset Gold VS Torpedo Beach

    Hey guys, need some help on deciding between caribsea sunset gold or torpedo beach, Id love to hear some input and experiences/ pics with both, I've used sunset gold before but found it to be a little too easy to stir up and get in my canister intakes. Was thinking of going torpedo beach for...
  15. W

    For Sale pure black diamond big spots

    pure black diamond male pup 5-6 super big spots little monster That is a magnificent stingray call/text if more details breeded local parents informations available as well.overnight shipping is available. 3142233574
  16. E

    For Sale Stingray collection for sale

    I’m selling my entire collection. Large female black diamond $3,000 King Henlie Male 2,000 4 pup raised (mature now) Boesami 2 males & 2 females. $10,000 for 4 Boesami. Entire collection together $15,000 plus Anybody buys all them together I’ll throw in a 450 gallon tank and...
  17. W

    For Sale high quality black diamond male pup

    pure black diamond male pup ready for new home $700 spot just like his parents text or call for pics/ videos more informations I breeds them not import there is some pics of him and his parents ups over night shipping available. 314-223-357four ( local pickup or shipping )
  18. J

    Female BD with Male Marble.

    Hi, I’m due to pick up a 5 x 5 x 2 which I figured are cracking dimensions for some rays. I currently have a marble ray (Male 6” disc) in my 6 x 3 x 2 doing great on his own. I have a buddy selling a pure BD (female 7” disc) would there be any issue at all with these guys together? I have...
  19. Natural Cyborg

    For Sale Empire Black Diamond Male

    Empire Black Diamond a line breed by Kenny Lim Male fully rolled 9-10 inches With some small spot poping though Contact 4407990713
  20. A

    For Sale Bd hybrids and motoro for sale

    4 bd hybrids forsale 5inch 2 motoro for sale 5inch If interested message me at @monsteraquaticfish on Instagram