• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. C

    Update on Bichir and Pike compatability

    I have a 125 and have had my tank sectioned in half for months in fear of my Ornate Bichir possibly eating my zebra pike cichlid (very expensive loll). My bichir is only getting wider and longer, probably at the 15-16 inch mark and my pike is only around 7-7.5 inches. Should I look at getting...
  2. C

    180 gallon stocking advice

    So my 180 gallon tank I finally ready to go I just want some advice on my stocking plan. will these fish work together and is it too may fish? 1 black ghost knife 1 lemon oscar 1 senegal bichir 2 blood parrots 2 electric blue jack demosey
  3. IgnatzMcJockel

    New Year, New Tank

    Hey MFK ! I am planing a new Tank ! The plan is a large Paludarium for my Polysand other fish. The floor of the Tank will be complete water with a wood / stone stack in the middle reaching the surface forming a small island. The Backwall and the island will be planted. Why a Paludarium? I like...
  4. F

    120 Gallon Stocking

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a 4x2x2 (120g/450l) And i'm not sure what to put in it. I have a firemouth cichlid that has to go in it but i dont really want a "community tank" so to say. My ideal stocking would be 2: Firemouth 3: Pictus Cats 1: Firemouth 1: Oscar Tbh i really want a large...
  5. J

    Can I add a convict or Firemouth?

    Hello all, so I have a 55 gallon with 8 tiger barbs, 6 Odessa barbs, a rainbow shark, and a Siamese algae eater. I am wondering if it would be okay to add a convict or a Firemouth to the mix. Or would that be a total bad idea? Or are there any other cool cichlids that could work?
  6. Zak03

    Stocking Help

    Alright, so i have a 40 gal tank and i need some stocking ideas. im thinking of doing a cichlid community tank, but im not very versed in different types of cichlids. Basically, what im looking for is a community tank with color, personallity, and movement. (plus, having cleaner fish so that...
  7. Iamfish

    Will this be to much?

    So I want to add 2 more fish to my 55 gallon and was wondering if it would be to much with the fish I already have and dont want to overstock it. I want to add a Toxotes microlepis and a l239 pleco, I currently have Peacock eel Albino Rainbow Shark Electic Blue Acaras Albino Cory Catfish Hoplo...
  8. Kiryoku

    65 Gallon Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

    i currently have a 5 inch short body srd flowerhorn in it bare bottom. i was wondering if i should keep the flowerhorn or should i sell it, and set up the tank with discus or platinum angels or anything else? any ideas on stocking the tank? i'll probably make it a planted tank if i'm going to...
  9. xDestro

    Switching to community stock?

    As of right now I have in a 75 9" syno Notatus 5" syno decorus 5" Senegal 8" delhezi 5" eb acara 2" Bush fish I absolutely love my bichirs and synos but Iv been getting an itch for a community tank. My stock in mind was .. 15-20 Roseline's sharks 10 clown loaches or corys Group of glass...
  10. DanielAro501

    Possible additions

    I have a. 6x2x2 130 gallon tank that is currently stocked with one 7” silver Arowana, 6 silver dollars, 2 big tinfoil barbs, 2 clown loaches, 4 baby iridescent sharks, a 6” fire eel and two albino channel catfish.I do have plans for the Arowana, in about 3 months I will start construction of a...
  11. D

    How many Bichirs could I have in a 150 gallon?

    Hello all! I have a fully cycled 150 gallon tank with 4 angels and 5 clown loaches. I have a BGK and will be getting some Bichirs, so here is my question. How many Bichirs could I get and not be pushing an unhealthy stocking level? Only upper jaws. Nothing huge. I have a sponge filter, 575 gph...
  12. Kiryoku

    90G Tank Stock Ideas!

    Hello, Everyone! I have a 90G aquarium that’s 36x13x50 I know it calculates to 100G but the glass thickness is 1/2 inch so true size would be 35x12x50 which calculates to 90G. But anyways, i was wondering if i could get some insight on what to stock it with for a living room piece. Lace Java...
  13. xDestro

    Will this stock work in a 75?

    Since pet smart isn't having any Sales on 125 gallons I want to redo my 75.. Mainly the stock. Stock I'll keep: • 9" syno Notatus • 7"-8" delhezi • 4"-6" Senegal • 4"-5" eb acara • maybe 3" leaf fish Stock I want to add: • palmas palmas • retropinnus •Moke? IDK size on these guys so any info...
  14. AG458

    Golden Datnoid info?

    When I last visited my LFS, they had a small golden dat in stock. I hadn't heard of a datnoid before joining MFK, so I wouldn't have given it a second look; but, because I'm on MFK, I did. He was a cute little fish, hiding among the black background. One of the workers at my LFS told me that...
  15. Murrayt

    125-150 Gallon Aggressive Stock Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I have been out of the hobby for a while now and am eager to return. For years I have kept numerous Central/South American Cichlids. I was previously prone to overstocking the tank and adding numerous fish species that although were able to coexist, became stressful worrying about...
  16. Swoll929

    Upgraded tank, new tankmates?!?

    I just upgraded to a 240 from my 180. Standard 8' x 2' x 2'. 1 custom diy 1200gph fluidized 40g sump, 1 fluval 206, 2 1500gph powerheads. It is low light planted with pool filter sand substrate. I currently have 1 - lima shovelnose cat 1 - green terror 1 - senagalus bichir 1 - ornate bichir 2 -...
  17. D

    Need creative stocking for 75 gallon!

    Hey all! Im really struggling to find the perfect stock plan for my 75 gallon tank i will be setting up in about a week. The only fish I know I am going to keep for sure are Denison Barbs, probably 5-8 of them (if i get presented a stock plan that blows my mind I can take them out). I originally...
  18. R

    New Fish Suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking to add a unique fish to an existing tank (in memory of a passed relative). Would love some recommendations. Would prefer a single fish, but am open to suggestions that involve pairs or schools. Thank you! Tanks specs: - 125 gallon (70x18) - semi heavily planted - PFS...
  19. xDestro

    Jaguar vs gulper catfish

    I'm wanting to redo my 55, I was thinking about completely starting over and doing my first planted tank (lightly planted) and was debating on either 1 gulper catfish or get a jaguar catfish and maybe an acara and firemouth so what do you think? Also have any of you ever ordered from...
  20. Narwhal

    Where did all the Bamboo Shrimp go?

    A few years ago, Atyopsis moluccensis where at most pet stores I went in, I haven't seen one for a while now. Does anyone know why? You can find them online, but they disappeared from the stores.