stocking 240 gallon

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Liaker

    Just got myself a cube-ish 60Gallon/240Liter tank, tips for stocking.

    Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please. Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles. Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70 Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27 With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand. Looking to keep it freshwater and...
  2. The-Almighty-Zugs

    240 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I have a 96 x 24 x 24 tank and was looking for future stocking ideas. Not for now but sometime in the future. Years away. I like large predatory fish but will hear anyone's other ideas. Just trying to create discussion and see what I could fit in this tank later on throughout it's life. For now...
  3. B

    240g stocking/compatibility help

    Hello, I'm new to this site and to monster fish and giant tanks in general so I'm hoping someone can give me a hand with stocking a tank I'm going to be setting up in the near future. I'm still in the planning stages and don't have the setup yet, but it's going to be at least a 240g...
  4. Brody L

    Stocking a 240 gallon aquarium

    Before I begin let me just say I apologize if I'm doing something wrong , or made any mistakes posting this I'm new to this and I've never used a forum before. So to start off, about a year ago I got a 75 gallon aquarium, and I stocked it with 1 Oscar, 1 Firemouth, and 3 Silver Dollars. Soon...
  5. Vikkram

    Stocking suggestion for my 240 gallon

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have added below fishes to my 240 gallon (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) Please advice me whether my stocking is acceptable. I know it's overstocked. But I love all those fishes. Kindly someone suggest whether I can keep all these fishes happy. Tinfoil...
  6. Vikkram

    Suggestions for stocking 240 gallon freshwater aquarium

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I am planning to upgrade my 75 gallon freshwater aquarium to 240 gallon (96 L x 24 W x 24 H). Currently I have below fishes in 75 gallon: Tinfoil barbs x 6 Blood parrot fish x 5 Silver dollars x 8 Bala sharks x 6 Common pleco x 2 Black ghost knife fish x 1 All the...