Hello! Been a while, come around and give your ideas! Please.
Bought a tank from a friend who needed space. So here I am, pondering what to get while it cycles.
Dimensions cm: 59 x 59 x 70
Dimensions inch: 23 x 23 x 27
With a 85(cm) / 33(inch) tall stand.
Looking to keep it freshwater and...
Hey y’all,
this is my first post here but I’m a lurker.
I have a 135 gallon acrylic tank I just picked up dirt cheap and buffed out. I’m upgrading from a 75 gallon and am really rethinking all my stocking. Need help!
for now I have:
1x Oscar 4 inches
1x green terror 4 inches
1x Gold Severum...
So I'm considering buying a 200 gallon tank for stocking primarily a few large cichlids or possibly other predatory fish. I plan on raising them from as young as i can find them all the way to adulthood in this tank.
I've read read Oscars have the most personality so I'm hoping for a...
I a have 1 open 10 gallon tank that i want to stick with endlers. How much endlers can I put in a 10 gallon tank. I want them to breed so what would be a good ratio in a 10 gallon tank.
Hi All,
I recently purchased a 40 gallon tank and it is close to being cycled. There are a lot of plants and open-ended pots for plenty of shelter. I am interested n stocking the tank with South American and Central American cichlids. Specifically, I am interested in firemouths, electric blue...
I have had the opportunity to get a great deal on a 180 gallon aquarium (with all filtration etc.) before I scape it I want to decide the inhabitants. So far my stocking plans are.
2 Oscars
1 Chocolate Cichlid
1 Lima Shovelnose catfish
6 Red Head Geophagus
1 or 2 Florida or spotter gars...
I hoping to set-up my first saltwater aquarium within the next month and need some advice on tank size. I'm looking at two options right now: a 10 and a 30 gallon. I definitely want some soft corals and ocellaris (more than two if possible). One or two other fish species, such as a goby or...
Hi all,
I am new to this site and its already helping me in setting up my tank. So I got myself a 90 gallon tank and picked up a Fluval 406 filter. I don't want to overstock my fish tank and here are some of the fishes I like:
*jack dempsey
*green terror
*parrot cichlid
*silver dollars...
Hello all,
I've been on this site years ago when I was in college, but it has changed a lot in a few years. I just started my career of teaching Biology to high school students and was looking for some advice on stocking. In the past I have experience keeping CA/SA cichlids, Malawi Cichlids...