swim bladder

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    Oscar fish swim bladder disease.. Urgent.. please help :(

    What should I do guys? My ~8yo Oscar fish seems to have some type of swim bladder issue? I tried treating the tank with aquarium salt and metro and there's really no improvement. Any suggestions? I fear his days are limited at this point... I can't attach a video but he essentially just swims...
  2. C

    Festae Swim Bladder Issue

    Hi all, I’ve had a Red Terror/Festae female for 7 years. She is in a 92 Gallon tank by herself and always has been. Recently, on Tuesday she started expierencing symptoms which I believe are related to a swim bladder issue. She was completely fine on Monday but I walked by the tank on Tuesday...
  3. S

    Swim bladder disability? Otherwise healthy ryukin can't swim anymore

    I have a euthanasia question. I have a gold & white ryukin I call Orange Creamsicle who's a little over two years old, about the body size of a peach, who I'm afraid has a permanent disability with his swim bladder. I've two ryukins, and Orange Creamsicle has much smaller pectoral & pelvic...
  4. N

    Swim bladder flotation device

    Anyone made one before? Was it successful? How is the fish now? Any tips? Our little guy, (Black Moor named Chadwick) developed an unknown illness in December, laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. We did a series of antibiotics and he’s improved to the point we actually think he’s...
  5. G


    Hi, I am a new Betta fish owner and my vailtale male has not been doing well since I came back from winter break. I thought it was because his heater broke (I got a replacement within a day of noticing) but even with him in a healthy heat environment he has not gotten better. He has been very...
  6. K

    RTC with swim bladder

    Hi please can someone help us? We’ve got a RTC that’s a rescue, we’ve had him nearly a year now. He was kept in a really small tank and his growth was stunted so we don’t know how old he is. He’s grown about 1” a month with us though and is now about 2ft 6”. He’s been healthy, active, no...
  7. L

    Baby Gar swim bladder disease? HELP

    Just found my 4" Florida Gar floating on top of the tank. Looks like a swim bladder problem since it can't swim down at all. Just did a 30% water change. Tank is at 80F. What do I do? He looks so lifeless. I don't want to lose the lil guy.
  8. F

    Help Arowana barely moving bottom of tank

    Hello, I am new to this forum and reaching out to anyone who may provide me with some guidance on how to save my Jardini Arowana. I have a 12-14 inch Jardini which I have had since July 2017. My tank is a 8x2x2 tank w/canister filters Fluval FX-6 and Ehiem Pro 3 and I do a 25% water change...
  9. R

    angelfish doing horizontal circles and gets worse with the light on???

    ok, firstly i want to say hello and thank you for allowing me to join this community. I have had my 55 Gal tank set up for almost a year now and have 7 small angels in there, but recently bought a breeding pair from a guy local to me. I went and picked them up, and while doing so we tested the...
  10. T

    Help! Arowana can't swim! What to do?!

    Help arowana cant swim! This arowana has been here for a long time now. But since it it fell down, it did not want to eat even if it is fed. For a month i did not want to, until one night, we saw it having a difficultt going up. Overnight it has been like that, struggling to swim up till the...
  11. U

    Time to euthanize my GT?

    My 18 month old, 8" GT, seems to have swim bladder disease. He stays in this tail down position and can barely move. I have tried prazipro, multiple water changes and he will not eat peas. It has been 4 days now. I am worried he is starving to death. Should I put him out of his misery? Any...
  12. J

    Urgent: Dovii Cichlid Jumped ship

    Hello everyone, I'm not a very active user on this Forum but I came here hoping someone with more large Cichlid experience maybe had some advice. Let me start off by saying, my Dovii is still alive and breathing. But I'm not sure if he's concussed or ruptured his swim bladder. He is responsive...