thanks for any feedback

  1. S

    Need help decided beat size tank

    Hi , I have to upgrade my tank here soon for a zebrina pike, hes only about 6-8 inches currently but growing fast. In a 75 now , looking at tanks from 200-300 to maybe combine my some of other fish aswell into one tank. would a 6ft 220 be enough for a zebrina pike , an Oscar , delhetzi bichir ...
  2. R

    Shy cichlids not coming out! Ideas to solve this?

    Hey, I have a bit of a problem in my 60 gallon cichlid tank, in this tank I keep a jack dempsey, a red Texas(it’s basically a hybrid between a parrot and a green Texas) and just for the fun of it I keep a rainbow shark as well. My problem is that all these fish seem to be pretty scared of me...
  3. rayoddballfish

    Lapradei Bichir Problem

    Hi everyone its me again. I have not been on MFK for a year, but I'm back because of my bichir. She has been with me for a year and a half now and after everything I've tried, such as general cure, salt, and high temps, she is still quite skinny and eats very little. She hasnt grown much in the...
  4. Mushutherhinoscorpion

    New to this site

    I have 2 rhino scorpionfish3" and 6" and a black volt lionfish 7" moving into a 250gallon!! just wondering would a marbled catshark i bad idea to add with the rhino scorpionfish and lionfish?