tiger barb

  1. N

    Tiger barb 20 gallon long tank mates

    Hello, I currently have 9 tiger barbs and 2 dwarf gourami in my 20 gallon long, I am looking for a third solitary tank mate, any ideas? Something that is more available will be nice.
  2. djsaltynuts

    can a tiger barb take out a section of fin like this?

    i got 4 tiger barbs 2 were killed by eachother 1 was eaten so i added 5 more down the line. i also had a black ghost knife who was doing fine in the tank for months but was found at the top if the tank torn to shreds not too long ago. anyway someone in the tank is doing some serious nipping and...
  3. N

    Will this combination work?

    Hi. I want to ask for advice again from you guys. Currently i have one tiger barb which is around 6-7 cm long. His tank mates recently passed away. Some of you guys told me to add other tiger barbs again so i am planning to add 3 or 4 new tiger barbs to accompany him since now he is kinda...
  4. S

    Sick Tiger Barb

    Tiger barb has some sort of growth on his tail. I can’t find an exact diagnosis while searching around and there are no fish vets near me that I know of. The growth appeared about 4-5 days ago and I’ve been treating the worst affected barbs with Furan 2, about to do the fourth dose today. The...
  5. G


    Could I keep a single Oscar with a school of 5 or so tiger barbs in a 75 gallon?
  6. T

    Oscar With Tiger Barbs And Cray?

    So I have a tank with a school of 5 Albino Tiger Barbs and 2 Common Crayfish (One missing a pincer) However, I've been thinking that maybe an Oscar would be fine too? The Tiger Barbs are decent size, though I think still pretty young and not at full potential in growth. The Cray with only one...
  7. S

    Tiger barbs with black spots?

    Got a 125g with 3 black spotted eels (roughly 12”, 14”, 16-18”), they’re all pretty established, no aggression issues, all got their little territories and swim right around each other peaceful enough. Now I want some active top/middle of the tank fish to add some movement to the tank when...
  8. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...