
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    Tank help

    Right So at the moment we have a 350l With a fully grown tyre track eel, a starlight plec some kuhli loach and sterbai Cory 125l With 2 musk turtles and shrimp 100l Shrimp, raspboras, cory and kuhli loach 55l Baby acara The acara needs to go in a bigger tank but not with the eel yet as...
  2. D

    White spot on fly river turtle

    Hey everyone, recently picked up a baby fly river turtle 4” in length. Has a little white spot on the right side of its shell. Previous owner has been treating with salt baths every other day. Overall very healthy turtle, eats like crazy. Just wanted some other people’s input who have kept this...
  3. feeling2good

    For Sale Fly river turtle

    Have an FRT for sale. 7in carapace. Eating well and healthy. Had him for 2.5 yrs. Dm for more info
  4. M

    Want to Buy Razor Back Musk Turtle

    Looking for Razorback Musk Turtle socal pickup preferred or any info regarding a store that Carries them would be appreciated thank you
  5. japbart

    FREE RES 2x

    I have two RES one is 7” and one a bit smaller for free. I rescued these from a neighbor but I’m gonna be out of the country for a year or so and my roommates can’t take care of them. I’ll throw in the dock (above the tank type) and whatever food I’m feeding them.
  6. Blakewater

    For Sale 5”-5.5” Argentine Side Neck Turtle

    Selling my amazing 5” Argentine Side Neck Turtle. These guys are pretty much fully aquatic and one of, if not the friendliest South American turtle towards fish. This guy is eating pellets and growing fast! Let’s also not forget that he has cute little feelers! Located in the north bay...
  7. F

    215 gallon fish suggestions

    hey! i'm setting up a new 6 feet by 2.5 feet by 2 feet 215 gallon aquarium with a 120 gallon tank as a sump. fully cycled , currenly have a oscar, pleco, and a RES turtle, 3 severums, 5 convicts . any ideas for more fish in the future? BTW here's my aquarium channel where i will post a video...
  8. Shape of Water

    For Sale Turtles

    2 Red ear sliders water turtles. 7" and 9" Local pick up. Location: Levittown, PA 19056 No shipping.
  9. F

    turtle problem

    hi! i have i RES turtle in a 120 gallon tank. my turtle is rubbing is rubbing his hand to his eye every 2-3 minutes while basking from the past few days. any idea if i have to be concerned about this? he is also occasionally yawning while basking. i think he is feeling irritated in the facial...
  10. Blakewater

    Florida Soft Shell Turtle Care

    Had the opportunity to pick up a 4" soft shell yesterday which I've been wanting ever since I watched the cartoon Gumball. In memory of the greatest kid show geared towards adult jokes I even named the little guy E.T. (Evil Turtle). He's now in a 40g breeder with some pieces of wood to bask on...
  11. the animal guy

    For Trade 2 aquatic turtles , CA 91745

    Both are 1 yr old and sex temped females. 2.5” shells. western painted and Mississippi map $50 each they live with cichlids, they eat The same fish food the fishes eat.
  12. Jush


    Fish for sale; I'm open to offers on induvidual fish, groups of fish, or the whole lot. All sizes are approx, WhatsApp - 07523 218429 Location - North West UK, Preston/ Blackpool Collection, Shipping or possible drop off on ALL FISH! Longfin "Platinum" Senegal Bichir - BOUGHT AS PLATINUM...
  13. B

    Just bought an Alligator Turtle. Help!

    Hello Monster Fish Keepers, I went to a reptile expo yesterday and bought an Alligator Turtle. The breeder said it was 2 years old but it looks much younger. It is about 2 inches long not including the tail. He said it was his last one and I noticed a few things and while I tried researching...
  14. Jush

    For Sale Multiple predatory fish, turtles & fish tank for sale

    Selling a decent amount of fish I have bought but either no longer want or don't need due to getting larger types for example. Redtail Catfish - 1-2inch - £28 each - 2 for sale in total - buy 2 for £54 Tiger Shovel nose - 2-3inch - £28 - 1 for sale in total - N/A Male Black Diamond Stingray -...
  15. deradlerskartal

    Fly River Turtle disease id pls

    Hey, I adopted a FRT 15 days ago. Then I relised some wounds on his bottom shell and brown spots on her nape. I cannot capture spots on nape it but bottom is; General tank setup; there is a wound on her nape seems brown not like gray own her normal skin. BTW I started to use UV on filter...
  16. Z

    Convict and turtle

    Hey guys. This is my first post here but i'm definitely not new to the hobby. I just moved a tank from my bedroom into my office and I'm trying to decide what to do with it. I know this topic has been brought up multiple times but this is a completely different discussion. I have a male convict...
  17. S

    pig nosed turtle/ spiny soft shell turtle fully submergable

    hey guys thanks for the help with the sump its running amazing other than family says it's to loud lol! my question for turtles is there a true fully aquatic fresh water turtle?? i've been researching heavily the last couple of days and the closest i've come to find is the pig nosed which is...
  18. S

    Catfish and Turtle

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a 10.5 inch bullhead catfish. Now recently I have gotten into turtles and I have always wanted one since I was a kid. I was looking into getting a male yellow bellied slider. Would I be able to keep the turtle and the catfish together without them killing each other?
  19. S

    Catfish and Turtle

    So I have a 55 gallon tank with a 10.5 inch bullhead catfish. I have recently got into turtles and I was looking into a male yellow bellied slider. Could I keep the yellow bellied slider and the catfish together without them attacking each other?
  20. N

    Which canister filter for a 120g paludarium?

    Hi everyone, it's been forever since I posted on here. I have a 120g glass tank (4x2x2) that I am setting up as a paludarium for my adult musk turtle. The plan is for the tank to be half-full with water, leaving the upper half for 1-2 islands with plants. For now the tank is equipped with a weak...