water parameters

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. sbloxy123

    New to Central & South American Cichlids

    Hi there, I currently keep African Cichlids but now looking to get into American/South American Cichlids.. the large ones! My tank is 63 US Gallons - Dimensions: 47.6" x 16.1" x 21.7" Water parameters: PH = 8.2 , GH = 21 After doing loads of research, I was looking to get a Green Terror, 1 or...
  2. islandguy11

    PH and water changes question

    Hi, I have an 80 gallon tank with a ~ 6 inch fast growing Red Texas (Texas X Flowerhorn cross). When my water comes out of the tap (non-chlorinated well water here in Thailand), the PH is about 7.2 due to CO2 in pump system -- I don't yet have anything to test KH/GH, lfs will have in a couple of...
  3. R

    Reverse osmosis and 3 channel doser

    Ok my buddy is getting rid of a lot of fish equipment and he is willing to cut me a deal on his ro unit and 3 channel doser as well. As i am just getting into the larger tanks and attempting to step out of the complete amateur department, would these be worth it to have for my Freshwater tank...
  4. Truetommy

    Cloudy Water Help

    I just finally filled up my new 100 gallon tank about a week ago, about two days ago i took the cycled filters off my 55 as well as a secondary filter and put them on the 100, i also transfered the fish from the 55 up inyo the hundred gallon. For the first few days everything seemed fine, and...
  5. A

    Sand Question

    Hey guys, I'm relatively new in the stingray hobby and was wondering if sand changes any of my waters parameters besides the obvious cloudy water. And also if it is safe to add to an already up and running aquatium with rays already in the tank. Of course I was gonna rinse the sand like a mad...