
  1. S

    Albino bichor

    So here's the thing, I've had this little guy for about almost 2 months now but out of no where he got this big lump on his neck and I'm scared, I just wanted to get people's thoughts on it and what to do, also he has a white string coming from his gills and I think it's just skin but I doubt it
  2. Zack333

    Weird swimming and marks

    I recently received some juvi African peacocks and started quarantine (water quality is good) with melafix 3 days ago and just noticed this guy he's swimming odd as in he looks weak and he has odd marks beginning on the ends of his fins. They seem to make his fins almost transparent. Anyone know...
  3. Cowboy4LifeNYP

    Indo Datnoid Help

    Hey Everyone! I'm fairly new to the hobby. I started in early November 2015. So I have a serious question. I recently acquired a 5-6" Indo Datnoid. I bought it because of its stable bars. I put it in my tank and it immediately hid. I wasn't too cautious because my other datnoid hides when the...