white spots

  1. SirDonutATSM

    Black sharks fins are turning white and tearing

    i m looking for some help i have a few fish and each one is different with its fins or less worse i dont know i have been taking care of fish for 13 years but i didn't start worrying about diseases since last 5 years but this is getting out of hand even after i have probably handled 1000s of...
  2. tlindsey

    SICK FISH atypical columnaris?

    @kno4te @duanes
  3. S

    Fire Eel gasping for air and has white 'ulcers'

    Hi everyone, I have noticed my fire eel has not been eating and now it has been gasping or breathing heavily. I did a 50% water change just now, tests show 0 ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH 7. Tank has sandy bottom and PVC pipes and decorations for hiding. It came out of its preferred PVC pipe...
  4. P

    Weird spots on Stingray Disk

    Hi everyone, I recently have been noticing these spots on the disk of my male Pearl stingray. Please see photos. Any idea what could cause this? He is eating just fine, and there is no sign of aggression between him and his tank mates. It should be noted that he is currently housed with a Black...
  5. S

    White areas on top of mouth - Buenos Aires Tetras

    So I noticed this on one of my Tetras before moving to the new tank. I don't think the new tank is the issue. I thought it could be from fighting, or an injury. They are active, eating and acting normal. Now, in the new tank, I noticed it on another Tetra. I could have missed it originally, so I...
  6. Balake2424

    Ich ?or cloudy slime coat? or bacterial infection? Or fungal? Please help

    So I’ve got multiple different answers on what this is I just need someone who’s positive because I treated for ich and it does nothing at all but it sure looks like it . water temperature is 86 now I’ve added salt and ich x and this morning no sign of it disappearing no other fish has it in the...
  7. M

    Flowerhorn has white spots please help me

    My flowerhorn ( which I talk about in other threads ) recently just got whit spots all over it's body, it's been on the outer corner of my tank. How do I treat my fish back to normal?