wild caught

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. FuriousFish

    Good source for WC polypterus in 2024?

    Is there a go to source for wild caught lower jaws anymore? I remember back in the day Jurassic Aquatics was the best but they seem to have shut down the operation long ago. Searching online it seems like availability is generally a lot lower than it was ~10 years ago, which was the last time I...
  2. A

    Beautiful wild female Oscar

    Our beautiful girl needs a bigger home. I would like to find someone interested in enjoying her as we have. We are in south Carolina and are willing to deliver within our area. Also if we could follow her as she grows would be great. ( maybe some pictures or video)🙂 but ofcourse not required.
  3. C

    For Sale Getting out of hobby for a while

    I have an Acrylic 180 gallon tank, 3/4” thick front acrylic and back acrylic piece. 1/2” on the sides. 6 feet long 30” tall and 18” deep. Has two new pumps. One was just installed working great the other is new in a box. Two different sumps depending on the sump style you like. All the...
  4. Blakewater

    Want to Buy Cichla Mirianae / Cichla Pinima

    Looking for someone who has one or both of the above mentioned Cichla under 8". Either in Northern CA or who is willing to ship. Price is not an issue. Thanks for looking! :grinyes:
  5. M

    Wild caught juvenile Big Mouth Bass and Bluegills... Help?

    Heya. I'm so new to this so I'll tell ya a story... Ok, so my son's were doing some voluntary community service (removing debris for our local golf courses canal sobthey could swim) and happened upon a cast net in the muck. Since I have an empty 75gal tank ,I figured I'd take them a bucket and...
  6. J

    Anthropod In my Payara

    Hey Everyone! I have been following you guys for years now. I have been using you all as resource since I've been keeping fish. So I decided to become a member a few months ago. However, this is my 1st post because I've never had to ask anything since a lot of info is on here. But I'm...
  7. M

    Cichla Kelberi have been moved

    Hi all Long time reader first time poster. Thought it was about time I showed off my Kelberi. Recently relocated so a small amount of damage and colours are still improving by the day but I'll start with these pics and update as they improve...not bad now to be fair...
  8. FishBeast

    My Bichir Gang

    Hi everyone! Would like to share some photos of my bichirs! They are in a 4 foot 120 right now getting used to each other. It is bare with no decor or substrate. They will be going in a 210 that I'm currently setting up. Stock list: 1 x Lapradei - Koloton 1 x Lapradei - Faranah 1 x Lapradei -...
  9. blackbullhead

    Monster Pseudos

    Lots of posts of TSNs on here, so I thought I'd share a couple photos of some great looking P. tigrinum. I came across these at an aquarium exporter in Peru where they had been recently collected from the Rio Nanay. The largest was about 40 inches, while the smaller two were 30 - 35.
  10. the fine flip


    I bought this one as a wild caught Endlicheri 2 days ago at a fish shop in my area. The guy at the shop did not seem too certain and therefore i would like to hear your opinions?
  11. Twonvito

    welcome my wild caught festae rio zarmuilla

    I'm just excited. I finally took my wild caught festae rio zarmuilla out of the quarantine tank into the grow out tank. I only took 3 pictures so far. Enjoy!
  12. The Keeper

    WC or CB

    if you had the option to pick wild caught or captive bred polypterus which would it be and why? what is the difference?
  13. P

    Polypterus endlicheri sp. "Tikinso Guinea"

    WC Polypterus endlicheri sp. "Tikinso Guinea"