xenomystus nigri

  1. E

    210 Gallon Congo River Basin Biotope Stocking Questions

    Im purchasing a 210g here soon and I am going to be stocking with natives of the congo and I wouldn't mind some input from the community and people who have kept the species we will be discussing. So far I have a Ornate Bichir(Polypterus ornatipinnis), and a Senegal Bichir(Polypterus senegalus)...
  2. Hendre

    African knife fish - 2.1

    Ver2.0 - Various improvements and observations added. Ver2.1 - Merged with breeding thread to consolidate info, formatted for clarity African Knife Fish Family Notopteridae Scientific Name Xenomystus Nigri Common Name African Brown Knife Origin Africa. Coastal river basins in Sierra Leone...