125 Gallon Planted Community Stocking Feedback


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 29, 2020
Hi everyone. I have a 125-gallon (72x18x22) aquarium that I would like to make a planted community tank. I plan on setting it up as a peninsula tank. My goal is to have a densely stocked, diverse tank in terms of size, color, pattern, part of the water column they inhabit, and behavior of the fish. I also want the fish to be plant safe. For stocking I'm thinking of the following, but would like others' input on compatibility and stocking numbers since most of my fish keeping experience has been with South American cichlids:

1 x Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leerii)

1 x Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus Lineatus)

8 x Boesemans Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)

30 x Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)

12 x Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)

6 x Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish (Rineloricaria sp. L010a)

6 x Panda Cory (Corydoras panda)

6 x Dwarf Chain Loach (Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki)

1 x Peacock Gudgeons (Tateurndina Ocellicauda)

1 x Empire Gudgeon (Hypseleotris compressa)

With it being a heavily planted 6 foot peninsula setup, I think there will be enough areas with variation in flow for the fish I've picked out. I thought about doing denison barbs instead of cherry barbs but I'm concerned about their size and activity level stressing out some of the other fish. I'm also a little concerned about the killifish perhaps eating some of the tetras or barbs. Some other alternatives I considered were harlequin rasboras, odessa barbs, or congo tetras. What does everyone else think? Thanks for reading!