5g Aquascape with Java Moss

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 28, 2010
Waipahu, Oahu HI
Whuddup MFK. Im a newbie here and also with plants. I'm starting on a 5g planted tank. Im going for the iwagumi kind of style, lols.

Here's the specs of my tank..

-Lighting: I use a hood w/ single screw in bulb socket. For lighting, I use the stock hood that uses a single screw in bulb. I use just one CFL 14watts "Daylight" 5000k bulb. (Equivelant to 60watts regular bulb)
-Substrate: Sand -___-
-Plants: For carpet, im using java moss. I wanted something easy and something that I already have so I just use java moss. I stuck some in the sand.



The anacharis are only temporary... Im planning on adding ferts and my LFS recommended the Seachem Flourish. I'm goiing to pick that up soon or whenever i have time. I was wondering if any of you guys used that product and had any experience with it. And also what are the doses? Like how many mL or drops? And how often do you dose? Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Each water change??

And btw, for this tank, I'm planning on doing a 20-25% water change weekly. I'm open to any suggestions and recommendations. Please keep your negative comments to yourself. Thank you! :)
Interesting scape. I'm wondering if the moss will grow in the sand like that. Another way to start a moss "carpet" would be to attach it to rocks and just hide the rocks in the substrate. The rocks are good sizes but I would recommend getting the same type of rocks if you are going for that Iwagumi look.

Dose the Flourish just how it says on the bottle. 1 or 2 times a week. I would also recommend dosing some macro nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and having a source of CO2 like excel or DIY CO2.
Thanks for the advice. I will be looking into getting the excel as well. But for the excel, do I have to dose that daily? I've heard around somewhere that it'll only last 24hrs??
Looks like your making a strong start. I would like to see some amazon sword used in there. Either as a center piece or in both back corners.
HELLAFLUSHED!;4591579; said:
Thanks for the advice. I will be looking into getting the excel as well. But for the excel, do I have to dose that daily? I've heard around somewhere that it'll only last 24hrs??

All of seachems products have a certain half life that does not stay strong through the whole week. That is why its recommended to dose multiple times a week. I would definitely suggest DIY CO2 over using excel by itself. I mainly use excel to spot kill algae because I have CO2 injection. I suggest doing some research on how to dose your planted tank and what nutrients they demand to for strong and healthy growth.

This is a great site that you could read to help understand planted tanks and how to maintain them. http://www.aquatic-plants.org/articles/basics/pages/01_intro.html

It helped me out a lot when I first started learning about aquatic plants. Good luck! The key here, and with most things in life, is patience. Dont rush into anything without doing your research first.
Thanks guys for the advice. And yeah, I probably might be looking into doing a diy co2. But in the mean time, do you guys think I should go out and buy the excel? And what if I don't use co2, do you folks think I still should get excel? And in what purpose does the excel do in a planted aquarium besides removing algae? Thanks in advance
They sell mats you can attach your moss to, and then you can lay those on your substrate as a carpet. Since this is a small tank I would only add small plants like a single crypt, maybe a java fern or a single micro sword. You probably don't need any ferts but I would recommend excel atleast. If you wanna add ferts try API leafzone or something.