I currently have 2 premium Merlion Royal gold base XB, 2 premium Merlion Royal BBXB, one premium Merlion Harmony (aka Tong Yan) blue base XB, and one Merlion Royal Ultimate 24 K gold cross back. The fish are in a 300 gallon with 40 gallon sump and a classic Eheim 2260. The fish are all about 8-9 inches, eating shrimp really well. So far, very little fighting. The fish are all from the Merlion (Dreamfish) farm which is based in Singapore, but undergoing a major expansion in Sabah, Indonesia. You can learn more about their fish and their Indonesian expansion here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/MerLion-Arowana-1433298596969897/posts/?ref=page_internal
I'll be paying a visit to the farm in a couple months.
A current video of my fish here:

I'll be paying a visit to the farm in a couple months.
A current video of my fish here: