Just asking which I should/can keep based off this list.
this is somewhat an extension from a previous post, just more in depth. Obviously I wouldn't be able to keep all these, and if I were to rank the 5 species based on how much I want them it would be 1 - acara (breeding pair) // 2 - pictus (3-4 at least) // 3 - severum (i have a red spotted 1" in my tank right now, that is the only fish I have besides from a baby convict I'm giving to my friend this weekend. // 4 - Angelfish - Tempted to put this higher, I've had good experiences with these, like in my old 40g. // 5 - Rummynose - I like these just to have some movement in the tank. I prefer roselines, but they want more space and they are too expensive.