A. rivulatus vs A. rivulatus Goldsaum differences


MFK Member
Oct 20, 2018
Czech Republic
Hey. Hey. I have found A. rivulatus Goldsaum for sale in the wholesale offer. The same seller also offers ordinary A. rivulatus for a lower price. Does anyone know what are the differences between them? The information on the internet varies. My main concern is which one is more colourful and has a bigger bump on the head.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 17, 2017
It's the same fish. Only difference is the genes for the coloration along the dorsal and tail fin.
If it were a. Stalsbergi vs a. Rivilatus then we could talk difference. But a Goldsaum and Whitesaum Rivilatus are the same fish.
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MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
Similar to rivulatus, Andinoacara coeruleopunctatus (a sister and more northern location variant in the genus),
these traits can be personal perceptions, (do I like blonds or brunettes) but

the size of nuchal hump is dominance thing that can shrink or expand with the fishes own perception of its status in a tanks hierarchy .

An Andinacara location variant of coeruleopunctatus from the eastern rivers in Panama below.
The same species of Andinoacara location variant from more central rivers below

and then there are the other intangibles/or influences like
the influence of substrate colors, and decor
the influence of tank maintenance practices, adequate tank size, water parameters, and tank mates.
All come into play.

In nature rivuatus comes from rivers west of the Andes with a pH of around 7, soft waters with KH of 3, ad GH only around 1, temp around 78 F.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
Jexnell Jexnell is right. Same fish in different color forms. And don't let anyone fool you, the gold form was an expensive and rare fish many years ago, but not anymore.

Early on, early 1970s when rivulatus first arrived in the US (white fins first, then gold), there was confusion on all of this, including which fish was actually rivulatus. Some, including Alf Stalsberg (who was a hobbyist/collector, not a scientist, a fact some people don't seem to understand about him), insisted that what is now stalsbergi was rivulatus. In fact I had a book years ago with a photo of what is now stalsbergi stating it was the 'true' rivulatus. Some wondered if white finned rivulatus, gold finned rivulatus, and stalsbergi were three different fish. All of this turned out to be wrong and rivulatus, both white and gold fins were confirmed by scientists as rivulatus and stalsbergi was the 'odd man out' as a different fish.

The whole "saum" thing (white saum, gold saum, silbersaum), when used as though there's something authoritative about it, is comical, really, in that it's basically a hobbyist contrivance with absolutely nothing official or scientific to it. It simply means "hem" or edge in German, referring to fin color.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
And don't be fooled by the whole "true green terror" thing. First of all it's a common name used by hobbyists, not official, and goes back to when there was confusion over which fish was which, especially which one was rivulatus. The fish that was thought of as a "green terror" seems to depend on which country you lived in. Here in the US what is now rivulatus was originally called "green terror." (link here if you're interested in the history; unlike Alf Stalsberg, the author of the article, Wayne Leibel, was a scientist)

Secondly, in English most taxonomic, scientific, and other "official" sources refer to rivulatus as common name green terror, while in the hobby it simply depends on who you're talking to.
Molecular Analysis and Chromosome Mapping of Repetitive DNAs in the Green Terror Andinoacara rivulatus (Cichlidae: Cichlasomatini) | Request PDF

(PDF) The Experimental Heterochronies in a Green Terror Cichlid Andinoacara rivulatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae: Cichlasomatinae) Indicate a Role of Developmental Changes in the Cichlids Coloration Evolution

Molecular Analysis and Chromosome Mapping of Repetitive DNAs in the Green Terror Andinoacara rivulatus (Cichlidae: Cichlasomatini) | Zebrafish

(PDF) Productive performance of the “green terror” (Andinoacara Rivulatus) fish during the fattening stage when fed diets with passion fruit cake (Passiflora Edulis)

Ecological Risk Screening Summary - Green Terror (Andinoacara rivulatus) - Uncertain Risk | FWS.gov

Andinoacara rivulatus, Green terror : aquaculture, aquarium (taxonomic database, fishbase)
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2008
anaheim/orange CA
I personally like the gold Saum due to the beautiful orange red on the fins rather than silver white.
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