Y YOULOOKLIKEAFISH Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 16, 2005 204 0 0 39 VIRGINIA Aug 2, 2005 #1 is A. falcatus(red tail barracuda) volunerable to medication overdose's? or are they just fine with the recommended dosses?
is A. falcatus(red tail barracuda) volunerable to medication overdose's? or are they just fine with the recommended dosses?
P piranha45 Fire Eel MFK Member Mar 30, 2005 2,982 13 68 kay Aug 2, 2005 #2 only fish I know of that are vulnerable to medicines are catfish and loaches, and this is because these fish have no scales. Acestros have scales.
only fish I know of that are vulnerable to medicines are catfish and loaches, and this is because these fish have no scales. Acestros have scales.
Y YOULOOKLIKEAFISH Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 16, 2005 204 0 0 39 VIRGINIA Aug 2, 2005 #3 i heard they are close relatives to tetras. which is why I was wondering
P piranha45 Fire Eel MFK Member Mar 30, 2005 2,982 13 68 kay Aug 2, 2005 #4 They are indeed close relatives to tetras...