Looking for some suggestions for a school of tetras.
I have a 5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft tank.
4 juvenile angelfish
4 rams
4 apistogramma fire red
15 black skirt tetras
Lots of assorted corys
L076 plec
Plan on adding some blue acara, key hole cichlids and some more black skirt tetra.
It's a planted tank with lots of driftwood and rocks.
I'm after some suggestions for another type of tetra to add. Something large bodied. Ideally something coloured, not silver, to contrast with the black skirt tetra.
Was thinking red phantom tetra or serpae tetra, but heard the serpaes can be nippy. Lots of conflicting advice out there. Need something that will get along with the angels.
The community setup is kind of new to me, always had large american cichlids.
I have a 5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft tank.
4 juvenile angelfish
4 rams
4 apistogramma fire red
15 black skirt tetras
Lots of assorted corys
L076 plec
Plan on adding some blue acara, key hole cichlids and some more black skirt tetra.
It's a planted tank with lots of driftwood and rocks.
I'm after some suggestions for another type of tetra to add. Something large bodied. Ideally something coloured, not silver, to contrast with the black skirt tetra.
Was thinking red phantom tetra or serpae tetra, but heard the serpaes can be nippy. Lots of conflicting advice out there. Need something that will get along with the angels.
The community setup is kind of new to me, always had large american cichlids.