African Clawed Frog Growth Rate?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Dec 25, 2010
Allegan, MI
I've got one growing out in a 40 breeder I just bought today. I want it to go in my 225 but I'm too worried about the archer eating him. How long will it take him to get big if I feed him a lot?
I’d expect an inch per month off a female. Females will top off at 8 inches, males at 4-5. Do you know which it is?
I’d be more worried about the archer surviving. These things are best off alone, they are just giant vacuum cleaners.
thanks for the info. My archer is of a shape and size where a frog bite, even from a big adult, could not phase him. There are some other fish in the 220 I’m more concerned about. The African knife fish and the moonlight gourami. While they’re large, they do have small heads/small body parts.
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They don’t really take bites with teeth. They swallow whole. If it fits in the frog’s mouth, or the frog thinks it can, it will be eaten.
Right, yeah. Most of the fish in my 220 wouldn't be able to come close to fitting in its mouth, unlike that unfortunate bueons aires tetra above. A couple of them are small enough to be concerns though.. juv clown loaches and an african knife fish, and a couple smaller cyrpinds. But I think my big bichir, my archerfish, and some of my bigger barbs would be safe because they're like double or more the size of that tetra.
Right, yeah. Most of the fish in my 220 wouldn't be able to come close to fitting in its mouth, unlike that unfortunate bueons aires tetra above. A couple of them are small enough to be concerns though.. juv clown loaches and an african knife fish, and a couple smaller cyrpinds. But I think my big bichir, my archerfish, and some of my bigger barbs would be safe because they're like double or more the size of that tetra.
That’s a goldfish, and a full grown female clawed frog.
Generally, if a fish can’t fit in a claw frog’s mouth, it’s liable to attack and injure the frog.
Frogs will try to attack what they can’t eat also, stuffing it down their throat and raking at it with their giant claws.
Right on. I can imagine a tank where they would work with fish, if I just had an archerfish, a ctenopoma.. maybe some others I can't think of right now. Would be a cool predator tank. But with my current weird oddball stock with various shaped fish, I don't think I'll risk it. I'll put him/her in their own 29 gal.
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Probably the safest option. Frogs and fish rarely mix well for both parties.