Albino Clown Knife


MFK Member
Dec 22, 2005

I recently purchased an Albino Clown Knife - 20"/50cm. It is currently living in my 700gal with an assortment of other fish.

Really enjoying this fish, took a little while to get used to its alien like appearance, especially being an albino. I had some issued early on with it being relatively aggressive towards my Aro', which apparently is fairly unusual. Seems to have settled down now, mostly because when it becomes the aggressor the Aro has stopped 'running' and turns around and gives the Knife a nip on the face. The Aro is never the aggressor and always acts in retaliation. A bit of an odd little situation. But no major harm is occurring to either fish outside an occassional minor abrasion to the knifes face.

My other notes on this fish are;

- It is an incredibly good eater. Smashing huge amounts of pellets and whitebait (silversides). It will even suck in peas meant for the GG that are usually spat back out but I think I've seen it ingest a few rogue peas;
- I don't have any hiding places in my tank but it is incredibly outgoing fish, being front an center always and responsive to my presence around the tank. Not shy in the slightest; and
- Maybe it is my eyes playing tricks but i feel it has noticeably grown in the short 6 weeks I have owned the fish, even at this 'advanced size'. This fish is quite young speaking with a previous owner at a little over 12months and quickly outgrew another albino knife it was kept with. So may have the genetics/potential to reach the claimed 36" + that is not often witnessed in the confined of an aquarium.

clown knife.jpg


MFK Member
Jan 17, 2021

I recently purchased an Albino Clown Knife - 20"/50cm. It is currently living in my 700gal with an assortment of other fish.

Really enjoying this fish, took a little while to get used to its alien like appearance, especially being an albino. I had some issued early on with it being relatively aggressive towards my Aro', which apparently is fairly unusual. Seems to have settled down now, mostly because when it becomes the aggressor the Aro has stopped 'running' and turns around and gives the Knife a nip on the face. The Aro is never the aggressor and always acts in retaliation. A bit of an odd little situation. But no major harm is occurring to either fish outside an occassional minor abrasion to the knifes face.

My other notes on this fish are;

- It is an incredibly good eater. Smashing huge amounts of pellets and whitebait (silversides). It will even suck in peas meant for the GG that are usually spat back out but I think I've seen it ingest a few rogue peas;
- I don't have any hiding places in my tank but it is incredibly outgoing fish, being front an center always and responsive to my presence around the tank. Not shy in the slightest; and
- Maybe it is my eyes playing tricks but i feel it has noticeably grown in the short 6 weeks I have owned the fish, even at this 'advanced size'. This fish is quite young speaking with a previous owner at a little over 12months and quickly outgrew another albino knife it was kept with. So may have the genetics/potential to reach the claimed 36" + that is not often witnessed in the confined of an aquarium.

View attachment 1450582
Gorgeous fish and aquarium. I have to agree, their alien appearance is something you have to get used to. ?
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MFK Member
Dec 22, 2005
Has anyone got any notes on sexing them? I was under the impression that this is largely not possible and is usually done by keeping multiple fish then gauging behavior. This would of course be through anecdotal evidence based on behavior alone, not exactly an absolute method.

I was told by a previous owner that my fish is female based on the appearance on its genital area. That being that my fish looks like it has a vent that has a serious of small spikes coming out of it, visible to the human eye (which is does). However, I don't have another fish to compare this to.
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