Some of you may remember that I set up my old hex tank back in April. My only stock in there were 12 Serpae tetras. I just left this tank to its own devices and it wasn't long before it was over run with algae. I loved the look and the algae ensured constant 0ppm nitrate readings too.
However, apart from the front viewing panels, which I cleaned weekly, the algae began to get a bit much for even my liking, lol. So, on August 1st I put in two tiny bristlenose catfish ( less than 1") just to help "trim" it a little and keep it under control.
Well, about a month has passed now, and as you can see from the two before and after pictures below, there is a startling contrast! Actually I'm quite staggered at how efficient these two tiny little fish have been during the short time they've been in there.
They have decimated every bit of algae in there! The tank now looks more like a barren moonscape than a lush underwater paradise, not sure I like the look anymore. The thing is I expected my nitrate to start registering now the algae has gone, but I still have constant 0ppm, for now, checks are ongoing.
I think it is safe to say that if anyone is looking for advice on a good algae eater......let me introduce you to the work of two tiny bristlenose cats, lol.
The first pic is from July 12th, before the bristlenose were added. The second pic is from yesterday!!!
However, apart from the front viewing panels, which I cleaned weekly, the algae began to get a bit much for even my liking, lol. So, on August 1st I put in two tiny bristlenose catfish ( less than 1") just to help "trim" it a little and keep it under control.
Well, about a month has passed now, and as you can see from the two before and after pictures below, there is a startling contrast! Actually I'm quite staggered at how efficient these two tiny little fish have been during the short time they've been in there.
They have decimated every bit of algae in there! The tank now looks more like a barren moonscape than a lush underwater paradise, not sure I like the look anymore. The thing is I expected my nitrate to start registering now the algae has gone, but I still have constant 0ppm, for now, checks are ongoing.
I think it is safe to say that if anyone is looking for advice on a good algae eater......let me introduce you to the work of two tiny bristlenose cats, lol.
The first pic is from July 12th, before the bristlenose were added. The second pic is from yesterday!!!