Alright so heres the problem, ive gotten a species of anchor worm that wont freaking go away, most likely from either the new ropefish or the new teugelsi bichirs. ATM ive been treating for five days now with paraguard by seachem, and it doesnt seem to be doing any good. So i ordered some dimilin powder and im wondering how much i should dose for a 55 gallon and how ofter. Its a grow out tank with 2 delhezis, 2 buets, 1 retropinnis, 5 tuegelsis, 1 ropefish, one synodontis hybrid, a L114 and 2 peacock eels. I list them because i would like to know if any of them would be harmed by this powder also if it matters that the smallest bichir is about 5"