I've got a 1600 litre tank that's 90cm deep that I'm struggling to find a halfway decent lighting solution to that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg.
For now its being it by what were the cheapest 4 LED floodlights I could get at bunnings, and I've recently tried some panel LEDs (https://www.bunnings.com.au/deta-36...qeZFOEfwwBUMyp3EljOTXJsHPVwjdShQ5y4miiQtE8Bzt) that I don't really think are going to cut it either.
I'm not looking to do complex or demanding plants (not even sure the fish would allow them), java fern/anubias at the most, but I'm looking for recommendations for decently bright lighting at that depth that aren't going to cost me as much as a kessil setup.
For now its being it by what were the cheapest 4 LED floodlights I could get at bunnings, and I've recently tried some panel LEDs (https://www.bunnings.com.au/deta-36...qeZFOEfwwBUMyp3EljOTXJsHPVwjdShQ5y4miiQtE8Bzt) that I don't really think are going to cut it either.
I'm not looking to do complex or demanding plants (not even sure the fish would allow them), java fern/anubias at the most, but I'm looking for recommendations for decently bright lighting at that depth that aren't going to cost me as much as a kessil setup.