So I’ve been getting mixed messages, are hystrix stingrays available in the state of Florida without permit? I’m surprised Ocellate river stingrays are legal if they’re not. Any clarification would be appreciated!
From what I get from a few minutes of Google search. All freshwater rays are illegal. thebiggerthebetter is a liscenced Public aquarium and pretty sure he knows the laws. Maybe he can chime in.
I’m not sure on what your asking about, but Atlantic Stingrays are legal from what I’ve seen, but the more they are in freshwater, the more ammonia they produce, so brackish or saltwater is best. Predatory Fins had a species of Freshwater Whiptail Stingray they said was “Florida Legal”, but I’m not 100% sure.
With all of the other foreign species of aquatic & terrestrial animals released into the wild in FL by idiotic individuals it’s hardly surprising
Opportunity spoiled for the many, by the foolishness of the few