Arowana sitting on bottom and twitching when swimming


Feeder Fish
Dec 4, 2020
hi everyone, this is my first spot so if this is in the wrong spot please just direct me on where to go.

I have had my asian arowana for about two weeks now, I put him in my 150gal with a small pearl stingray and a tiger datnoid. He was bullying the datnoid so i sold the datnoid, ever since then he has refused to eat and is sitting on the bottom of the tank. On the same day I took the datnoid out I did a 20% water change and cleaned one of the two canister filters on the tank. When he does swim around he will swim normally but will appear to cough or twitch as if he's itchy or uncomfortable. I feed frozen shrimp, frozen tilapia, and hikari carnivore pellets. I checked the water parameters which came in at 8.0ph (high but normal for my water and all the fish are acclimated over a long period of time to adjust them) nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, gh120ppm and kh 180ppm (once again the water hardness is normal for my water). The stingray is also acting totally normal and eating like usual. I appreciate the help in advance as I adore my arowana and do not want anything bad to happen