Asian Arowana rapid/heavy breathing - NEED HELP!!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2018
Hey guys.

I've just moved my 2 years old Asian Aro to his new tank 2 days ago. He's been having problem with heavy breathing since. His new tank has these dimensions 72in x 24in x 16in. The tank is only 16in Height so it is not deep. I don't think the water level is high to cause heavy breathing issue. His old tank is 24in Height and he was happy in there.

I moved about 75% water from his old tank to his new tank. Added about 50 gallon of new water. New water is tab water but was left outside more than 24 hours to eliminate chlorine.

His new tank is newly built. I gave the silicone 4 days to cure. I know they are cured and clear in color, though some sour smell still remain for some reasons (GE Silicone I). I also did a water test and left 24 hours in there so if the silicone was leaking any toxins, it should be done. Now, every time I open the top, I still smell a little sour smell from the water which is very strange.

My question is, could that be the reason to cause heavy breathing to my Aro? If so, it could be toxic and does activated carbon able to remove that toxin? The tank is very well aerated with 2 airstones and power head.

The silicone is the only reason I can think of. I've been using aged tab water for him without any issue.

I also want to add I tested all parameters this morning (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and pH) and everything shows very good reading. Ammonia is very close to 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5ppm and pH is high as normal, 8). One of his eyes is somewhat cloudy. His barbels are curved but they were straight before. Of course he is not interested in food due to new tank so that is not a concern. He is losing a little of his color but that could be due to new tank as well. He is still swimming around with his head down a little like 15 degree and swimming like constantly but very chill. No signs of splashing, uncomfort.

Thank you for any input!
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MFK Member
Aug 28, 2017
Should've use GE Silicone II. I remember watching a King DIY video with him instructing that and not with GE Silicone I. I would move him back to the old tank with 50% of old water and 50% treated/de-chlorinated water immediately. Do water change every day at about 20% for a few days then every other day. Let him recover, then put him in new tank with new silicone. Let us know how it turns out.

Edit: There's still a chance GE Silicone I can continue to leak toxins so make sure it is scraped off very well.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2018
While I appreciate your input, your wrong info is not appreciated. In HELP NEEDED threads, people need the right info. You need to double check before posting.

GE 1 is the one that is safe for Aquarium. GE 2 is the one with anti mold additive and it's a NO for aquarium.

As an update, it turns out that Nitrate is at 80ppm since I performed the test incorrectly the first test. As a result, the fish was gasping for air. I did a water change and added 100 lucky bamboo to the tank, also increased the airpump power and he is slowly recovering.

Silicone sour smell is slowly going away but I still don't know why it was there at first. Even when I gave it 4 days to cure.


MFK Member
Aug 28, 2017
You are right. That was my mistake and I should've double checked. I apologize. Hope your Aro is doing fine.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Apr 13, 2015
South Africa
While I appreciate your input, your wrong info is not appreciated. In HELP NEEDED threads, people need the right info. You need to double check before posting.

GE 1 is the one that is safe for Aquarium. GE 2 is the one with anti mold additive and it's a NO for aquarium.

As an update, it turns out that Nitrate is at 80ppm since I performed the test incorrectly the first test. As a result, the fish was gasping for air. I did a water change and added 100 lucky bamboo to the tank, also increased the airpump power and he is slowly recovering.

Silicone sour smell is slowly going away but I still don't know why it was there at first. Even when I gave it 4 days to cure.

I am glad your aro is recovering, i think the lucky bamboo might be absorbing any toxins
As a matter of interest
I am no expert but what I have been taught is that you should let your tank cure for as long as it takes for the smell to go away before introducing your fish
Some silicones the smell goes away quicker than others
I upgraded my Asian Arowana's tank about 4 months ago, i let the tank cure for 6 weeks
There was no smell and both my aro and stingrays were fine
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2018
I am glad your aro is recovering, i think the lucky bamboo might be absorbing any toxins
As a matter of interest
I am no expert but what I have been taught is that you should let your tank cure for as long as it takes for the smell to go away before introducing your fish
Some silicones the smell goes away quicker than others
I upgraded my Asian Arowana's tank about 4 months ago, i let the tank cure for 6 weeks
There was no smell and both my aro and stingrays were fine
Thanks for your input. I also changed activated carbon so it helps with the smell and any possible toxin. I added lucky bamboo to help with the nitrate but yes, it's possible that they are also absorbing any toxin. I am just trying anything that could assist my Aro and the new tank.

As for silicone curing time, I believe 48 hours is enough. I should have aimed for a week instead. The reason is that I get New Year off and I wanted to finish my project during the New Year weekend so I was in a little rush.

Now that the smell is 90% gone, I still don't know if that means all toxins are gone as well or just the smell is gone? Does anybody have a thought? Anything else that I should do?

I will do another big water change next weekend anyway.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 1, 2018
You are right. That was my mistake and I should've double checked. I apologize. Hope your Aro is doing fine.
No worries.

The Aro is doing fine now. Now that I worry about the silicone. It just doesn't make sense when the silicone is dried/cured but the smell is still there. I was able to remove the smell from water but it's possible that the toxins are still in there. Hopefully activated carbon could help with that.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Aug 14, 2014
Fish Tank
If ammonia isn't 0, your tank may not be fully cycled. Perhaps dosing with Prime or equivalent would help until the tank is fully cycled.
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MFK Member
Feb 16, 2015
stratford ontario canada
Should've use GE Silicone II. I remember watching a King DIY video with him instructing that and not with GE Silicone I. I would move him back to the old tank with 50% of old water and 50% treated/de-chlorinated water immediately. Do water change every day at about 20% for a few days then every other day. Let him recover, then put him in new tank with new silicone. Let us know how it turns out.

Edit: There's still a chance GE Silicone I can continue to leak toxins so make sure it is scraped off very well.
This is completely incorrect