Assassin snails not eating bladder snails?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 2, 2020
I got 5 assassin snails a few days ago and i've been watching them closely and they seem to be ignoring the bladder snails that i planned on them eating. WIll they eat the bladder snails?
Yes, once they get hungry enough. They also will eat excess food. They might even reproduce.
I've had a few assassins in several tanks for a year or so. I rarely ever see them at all, and have never actually seen one predating on another snail. They have grown much larger, and the number of bladder and ramshorn snails in those tanks is a fraction of what it once was, so the assassins are definitely doing their job, but they are being very discreet about it. If you are expecting action, drama, or instant may be disappointed.
I invested in pea puffers (murder beans) and loaches.
  • Haha
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Assassin snail act like bloodhounds. Once they find a scent trail they will only follow that 1 scent trail regardless of other prey getting in-between it and it's chosen prey. The reason we don't see them hunting on a regular basis is because they are just following the slime trail left behind by the snail they are chasing after, wherever it may be. They are also most active at night like most other snails so allot of their kills happens when we aren't whatching them.

Lol one thing I always thought was funny is when I see a few baby bladder snails riding on the back of the assassin snail while he's on the hunt for someone else.
I agree with everyone else, you probably won’t see them eating another snail. At most you will see two assassins wrapped around each other and you might think they are trying to eat each er but they are just mating lol

it took about a year for them to clean out my 60g tank. I haven’t seen and snails in it for about 6-8 months now.

I started with about 3 snails and they reproduced over the year and I would sell off 15 at a time. Just made sure i had 3 in my tank at all times. If I could count 3 there were def more haha

I once read they eat about 3-4 snails per day. I assume that number is if they are not getting fish food on the side.
pretty much what everyone else is saying-

it’s more of a slow long term solution-

quick n dirty = copper

or go with the “murder beans” - so good luv the term!

loaches too -

depends on what kind of fish ur keeping, my africans eat the snails, one of my ocel bass eats them too -

i’ve bought prolly 40 assassins - got them in 3 tanks.... i still have snails- they are just intentional ?