AT Datnoid Feeding Question...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


MFK Member
Feb 22, 2010
How long can a 1.5 inch AT Dat. go without eating? I bought mine 3 days ago and all it wants to eat is frozen krill and frozen bloodworms. I am not sure that this is enough nutrition for it and I refuse to put feeders in my tank. I want to get it onto Hikari Carnivore Pellets, but it refuses to eat them. It won't eat chopped red wigglers either. Can I starve it onto pellets or is it too small to be starved? Ideas, anyone?
I've been feeding live black worms, F.D. brine shrimp and blood worms.
I just started experimenting with Garlic Guard this morning. My similar size Micro. just ate a piece of a food stick. Maybe this stuff will help. Usually they would chase the food, pick it up, and spit it out.
I would not starve it at that size, really when they are that small it is best to feed them what they will eat to fatten them up. You can also try feeding them some cut up shrimp, most dats will take that.
so what size should he start starving his dats?
keonigt;4040041; said:
so what size should he start starving his dats?

no smaller than 3-4"s
I would suggest that you get some market prawns and chop them up and try feeding that to your AT. It will take them a while before they start taking pellets and such. AT's tend to be more bold than most dats so it shouldn't take to long for them to take to new foods. Best of luck to you.
Thanks. One more question, AT Dats growth potential is 12 inches, right? On this site, it says 12 inches, but some people have told me that ATs can grow 2 feet.