KR: So i'm getting some baby Tigrinus and I heard there very hard to keep when there baby's.
TBTB: IDK how little you are talking but generally I don't have the same impression about 2"-3"-ers.
KR: I'm getting 3 of them for a awesome deal. So I wanna be successful and don't wanna lose the little guys any advise to keeping them alive
TBTB: Pristine, highly aerated water, no tank mates (much easier to feed), no live feeders. They will fight, could get bad; they are pronouncedly more aggressive-territorial than other Brachies, e.g. juruense, and much, much more aggressive than rousseauxii, capapretum, IME, filamentosum in the experience of other keepers.
KR: and are they fast growers when there babies and slow down once they get bigger.
TBTB: When on proper feeding regimen, roughly 1" a month until ~10", slows down ~ twice from there to 12"-16", and much slower thereafter. YMMV.
KR: Also how hard is it to get them Pellet trained what are the steps,
TBTB: It appears more often than not they refuse pellets offered straightaway. I'd feed them bloodworms and/or blackworms first until they firmly take to them, then soak / rub the pellets in the worms / worm juices.
KR: and the perfect water Temperature?
TBTB: IDK if such exists. Around 80 F appears fine.