hello all, please be gentle as i have only been into keeping fish for a year and a half now, but I accept any criticism along with welcoming it!
about a month ago I acquired my baby two-inch tire track eel, its absolutely tiny and I can't help but worry about it. My fellow fish keepers say its doing alright but its a small group, I'm going to ask some questions here in hopes of clearing stuff up. thanks !
First of all, I worry about his breathing, its not labored, forced or weak. but it is quite fast, like a rabbit breathing, i've heard someone say this is normal but that was only from one person. He eats well, interacts well and is aware.
Secondly Im not sure about his feeding schedule, he got slightly bloated a few days ago, hes fine now but is it better to do every other day or some days straight and then an off-feed day.
about a month ago I acquired my baby two-inch tire track eel, its absolutely tiny and I can't help but worry about it. My fellow fish keepers say its doing alright but its a small group, I'm going to ask some questions here in hopes of clearing stuff up. thanks !
First of all, I worry about his breathing, its not labored, forced or weak. but it is quite fast, like a rabbit breathing, i've heard someone say this is normal but that was only from one person. He eats well, interacts well and is aware.
Secondly Im not sure about his feeding schedule, he got slightly bloated a few days ago, hes fine now but is it better to do every other day or some days straight and then an off-feed day.