Bacteria In A Bottle For Larger Tanks


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Nov 14, 2010
Miami and San Diego
I always use Seachem Stability on new tanks.
I also always use lots of old media. Without old media I wouldn't trust the cycle to just Stability. I lost a prized fish doing that way back in the early mfk days and never risked it again.
Makes me think of Tanked.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
I typically use microbacter7 with all my tanks. While I don't have super large tanks I have used it on my 180 and my 300g pond. There is another one I've used also I think it's tlc branded. I'd have to see if I still have some around to know for sure. One of my lfs uses it and have used it for years they set up and maintain systems for a lot of people. Both products work. I've used stability in the past and didn't have good luck with it and thought those things were a "gimmick" until I tried mb7. You have to follow the directions and continue use for a couple of weeks to be sure the biofilter is well established. I don't think tank volume has a lot to do with it honestly other then the amount you need for proper nitrification. You can buy gallons of both products I've listed.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 5, 2017
Flint town!
I should add that both products have allowed me to stock tanks immediately without loss and without seeded biomedia. I put 10 pea puffers and 12 brigittea rasboras in a 30 something gallon tank within a few weeks using the tlc branded one, no losses. I realize that is a far cry from a 400g tank but it's a pretty high stocking density in a short period of time. Also I never registered ammonia or nitrite during my daily tests just nitrate after a few days. I also try not to do waterchanges during the first couple of weeks unless the nitrate becomes to high.