PLEASE help I am beginning to get desperate. A few days ago I made a post concerning some red marks on my youngest bamboo that appeared to be abrassions. He has been hatched for around a month. As of tonight, all of his white bands are a tint of red and his underbelly is COMPLETELY bruised up and red. He didn't attempt to eat tonight, he swam away and hid when he smelled the food. He appeared to have great difficulty swimming as well. The redness has seemed to become quite a large problem after I treated the tank with PraziPro last night as they have flukes that were brought in on a tang. How do I fix this and help him? I will do anything. Could the medication be burning him? My older bamboo (around a foot) is displaying no negative side effects, no redness, is eating, and all around very healthy. The problem is soley with my youngest.