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Best COLOR Sand for Bichirs

  • River Blend

    Votes: 14 26.9%
  • White

    Votes: 6 11.5%
  • Black

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • Red

    Votes: 8 15.4%
  • Brown

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • Blue, Green, or Purple

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orange or Yellow

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Whats the best sand for bichirs?
(consider: color, brand, type, size)

I've read 3m s grade is very good... ?
Well washed coarse sand(get rid of overly fine particles). If the sand is too fine, it stirs up easily(especially when cleaning), which is what causes impeller problems on power filters. Color is a matter of personal choice, I prefer naturally occurring colors. Most of the time.:evil_lol:
I say black just because it will darken up your fish, but a nice dark brown would be really good looking.
Upper Jaw-Black Sand
Lower Jaw-Red/Brown Sand
Both-Red/Brown Sand
If you want your "upper jaw species" to develop moreGreen pattern, then go for "Black" or "Chocolate brown" substrates. "Red" and "Tan" also helps but not overly green. However "Black" substrates makes lower jaw bichirs to turn very dark and makes the patterns and base color to almost blend. Making them to look like have a burnt color. Mix river substrates also helps develop Greenish yellow patterns to most upper jaw species. For lower jaw, the best substrates color are Tan, Brown, Red, Orange and Pink to get more contrast on the patterns. It also prevent the patterns and base color to blend together. As for the white substrates, it will only bleach out the color and it will not show the true color/patterns potential of any bichirs.

The hardiest bichir to make it's patterns show is the Polypterus bichir lapradei, especially captive breeds. I noticed that most captive breed can easily change it patterns or washed out, compare to wild caught that it can sometimes maintain the patterns.

I prefer the best substrates for my bichirs is Tan, Brown or Red.
I hates white substrates so much as it bleaches out my bichirs, not just bichirs but most of my fish.

I never try blue, green, purple and yellow so I got no comment on those colors.
i got blue with mine.. but id rather have either have tan, red or black!!










I have been wanting to make my 55 gallon into a bichir tank. I was thinking about adding one Delhezi, one Senegal, one albino Senegal, one Palmas, and one albino Palmas.

Would that work, what color sand should I get if I did do this, and any advice you can give on owning them?
jlsmonkey;3434077; said:
I have been wanting to make my 55 gallon into a bichir tank. I was thinking about adding one Delhezi, one Senegal, one albino Senegal, one Palmas, and one albino Palmas.

Would that work, what color sand should I get if I did do this, and any advice you can give on owning them?

Read what other have posted and also read stickies and don't be lazy to read other treads. You'll learn a lot form those. This question have been asked many times and been answer many times.